Orkid Says:

You can start anywhere and do anything with a good attitude and willingness to learn

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Resipi Shake TerBest di Dunia!

Wahhhh exxagerate btol. Tp mmg the best in the world la for me! hehehe

Disebabkan berazam nak jadi sihat, so terpaksa lah minum herbalife.

Eh eh bukan terpaksa taw..bila time nak minum je sure hepi coz i can try a lot of recipes. N mesti menjadi pnylaahhh. hahahaa. sebab mmg suka try mcm2 resipi, masak ke, kek ke ape ke.

And selalu dpt soalan "Macam mana ko buat shake jadi sedap gila?"

Ojan pulak sure kalo turun amek aku kat Bangi, mesti request wat kan shake. hehee.

Bangga jap sbb sedap.

OK. Shake formula 1 ni ada mcm2 flavor. Sebab lain org lain garam. eh bukan. lain citarasa so herbalife come out with variety of flavor and the bestest thing is boleh campur mcm2.

"Tapi org kate kalo campur2 dah x efisyen"

Cik orkid jwb "Ala peduli hape, tekak aku, tmbh kalori ckit je pon..hehee"

Tapi actually, tanpa campur pon da sedap tapi cik orkid kan cpt bosan n ngada2. So flavor yg ada coklat, cappucino, fruits, strawberry, vanilla.

Bau die sungguh enak weh. Rase nak telan mcm tu. But my fav Cappucino, Vanilla, Strawberi.

All time fav mestila vanilla...sbb campur mcm2. Jus, milk shake, sume laaaa

So insyaAllah from time to time akan post lagi byk recipe, now nak tunjukkan resipi

Healthy Blended Milo w Vanilla (tak reti weh bagi name)


Dinosaur shake. huk3

2 heap scoop formula 1
satu peket milo 3 in 1
4 ketul ice
susu segar 350ml (xpyh ukur xpe, agak2 cukup utk satu gelas)

campur sume, blend and wallahhhh siap!!!(nampak tak? kat atas tu mcm ade coklat tabur. sedap weyhhh hahahaa)

sgt sdp!! kalo u alls ade adik2 yg nak tmbhkan or kurangkan berat bdn, sesuai la gune resipi ni. Bila minum ade rase gigit2 milo tu. Mcm mkn aiskrim milo Mcd yg dah xkeluar skg
(eh eh tetibe dpt idea nk cmpur dgn oreo hehe)

So ni la sarapan sihat saya. Feel full until lunch. Wat 3 minit je. Xpyh pening nak makan ape, nk mkn kt ane, bila nak makan. Selamat mencuba!!!


Unknown said...

damn!! sedapnyer!!

next time tlg buat orea plak ekk.. plz!!!

Suraya I. said...

rahmah, vanilla shake satuuuuuuuu!~

Orkid said...

b: okie!! mmg nak wat nnt hehee
sur: siapppp!!! haahhaa

Unknown said...

ojannn...oreo lahhhh (suke tgk ojan typo.haha)

Kenangan Lalu said...

Wahhh~ Nak! (Tolong buatkan~~~)