OK harini nak bercerita pasal Breast Cancer and Abnormal Lump in Breast.
This is for our awareness, as I may be the chosen one who experience diz, so I think I need to send this message to all my loved ones.
Malu? Y shud i? Its not like im doing something wrong that I got this. hehe.
Anyway, I noticed i have abnormal lump since a year ago. Tapi beselaaa tak kesah. Sebab pompuan biasa ade lump esp b4 period. its hormon thingy.
My mom pun pnah ade nih and dah buang dah. So the chances for me utk dpt pon same. N FYI mmg ramai yg around our age or younger yg ade lump. So its common.
Then, kat UTP ada Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign so i went there with Peah. Sila baca link ni k. So nurse tu ckp ada lump and i was referred to klinik lppkn. Pas jumpa doc tu, dia ckp nothing serius and bley massage je.
Then..months and months xde pape problem. Tapi pastu rasa sakit and mbesar. Then gi klinik biasa and the doc said nothing wrong.
Then ok laaa. Pastu rasa lagi sakit. So gi la lagi. N dis time referred to KPJ Specialist Hospital. I xnak ada doubt lagi so terus gi la (tapi ni pon take 2 months taw sbb asek delay je nak g hospital)
Honestly now mmg da x rase mcm dulu, and believe it or not it is shrinking from prev one. I penah dgr masa true life experience sharing from a girl yg ade lump, hilang afta guna herbalife, tp i x caya. I tak taw la sama ada i makan herbalife ni ade perubahan. Tapi yg last time i jumpa general practitioner tu ialah mase i mula2 stat makan herbalife on and off. Den makin kurang sakit den mmg delay gi hospital.
Tapi mestilah masih tak ade peace of mind. kot kot kanser ke, so i went to specialist today. Dulu my lump besa dia 1cm and now jd 0.3 cm. so alhamdulillah :)
doc said it is normal lump, berisi air and bukan daging. too small and maybe akan ilang. Alhamdulillah. Kelaka plak kene check gune ultrasound hik3. macam pregnant pulak.

So i asked doc tu ape sbb, n no main reason. Sometimes kalenjar dlm breast pch, so air ada dlm tu. And dari article: gen, pemakanan, bra
tapi what i certainly sure is everyone pon leh ada. And ni the best fact i got from the doc. I went to see doc sbb sakit, tp doc ckp so mknanya u xpyh riso ape2 coz normal lump mmg selalu sakit but if tak rase pape it probably cancer.
So pls pls girls check ur lovely twins k :) And for boyfie, abg, bakal husband or ayah, sentiasa la ingatkan ur loved ones. For husband, leh la tlg cekkan trus. hahaa. to boyfie, jgn nak mgatal kang tibe2 kena panah petir padan muka hehee
P/S: Satu lagi pesan khidmat masyarakat dari Cik orkid :P
hahaha. kalau lump air mmg tak seyes sgt pun dear.alhamdulillah xdpt lump daging mcm aku. kene la wat operation xpasal2.heheh
papepun, jage lah twins anda supaya kelihatan cantik dan menawan. eceh!
tulaaaa. hehe. lame tol nak gi follow up. dari last year!! hahaa. postpone2 nsib baek xde pape.
yes, kene jaga wehhhh :P
wow!! dah berkurang ekk.. alhamdulillah :)
now even tak taw wat exactly make the size decreasing, please cont feed the twins with the nutritions.
klakar plak konrg bahasakan bndalah tuh "the twins" hhahah :P
ok now i plak klaka bile u ckp cont feed the twin
bukan ke twins tu supposed to feed someone?
hmmm :P
orkid: OMGGGGGGODDD ayat ko mmbesa sgt ko kannn..'suppose to feed sumone?'pastu ade hmmmmmm...ahahha..
motip?? feed baby laaa ko ingat ape?? hahahaha
hoo ni la sbb ko g kpj smlm eh?
glad dat it's nothing =D
pasni jgn mkn seafood byk sgt eh! *tibe2*
pergghhh. komen2 yg sungguh tidak seswai dibaca oleh kanak2 seperti saya :P
I gotta give it to you this time kak mah, for putting urself out there and pointing out the taboo. Its nice to see some grown up women holding conversation on this with the intention to raise awareness or just an information-sharing session. Yeah ladies, do take care of urself, and the girls.
hands down, the most honest and enlightening post ive ever read. btw, breast cancer can, and do occur among men too. So, maybe u wanna link this to ur other guys friends. =)
so ojan, bila kau nak join aku tulis pasal prostate cancer plak? hahaaa.. we ought to do our part and spread some message too.
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