2010 for me is quite slow, but towards the end tu two things happened :)
paling penting...
Graduation. So im a graduate in Business Information System with 1st class honors. cehhhh perlu ke? Even im not that happy on that day but this event really give me a huge impact in my life. (scroll x amek2 lagi haih)
2nd big thing was....

Kalau ikutkan 2010 mcm xbest sgt coz ada satu impian cik orkid mmg tak tercapai. tapi takkan la pasal satu tu nak ruin sume kan? bersyukur taw.
So 2011, cik orkid dah 23. shhhh taw tak im looking forward to 30!! ahahaha pelik kan? tp dats da true. sbb cik orkid rasa women in 30 dah achieve the "climax" in her life. dah ada famili. stop producing children. cantik. ada kareer and payslip yg booommm. sexy. dan byk experience.
so im looking forward to 30!!

Yesterday gi Pavilion and did some shopping. For my b la. Ojan kene shopping kat Pavi or tempat2 yg sewaktu dgnnya. Pakai pon swift dan dikelilingi kwn2 yg feeling abes. So kene keep up la kan? Cik orkid? beli sume tepi2 jalan je. sume brg unbranded. pakai kete pon saga hahahaa. But im reli hepi with my life :)
tula beza kami berdua :) hopefully he can manage everything well. yeahhh our life not defined by others, your payslip, or your possession. It really your principle guide u thru the life.
Apapun sgt respek dgn Jezmine http://jezmineblossom.blogspot.com/2010/12/last-post-for-2010.html. Gaji dah beribu riban. Bina empire sendiri. Tapi x pernah pon bangga n still can pull it off and proudly said her dress is from Giant! She is sooo inspirational (but of coz la she can buy anything and everything). I came across a lot of ppl yg too brand concious hahaa pdhal belum tentu mampu lagi (pedas x?)

Smlm kami celebrate new year kt kg baru. plan nak ke icity batal je. hahaa. so 5 of us naik kereta swift ojan. Thx acap, ojan, mahan and amin for the nite (sorang je girl, trase mcm mak hayamm hehee)
Semua cerita pasal azam. Cik orkid nak share gak azam for 2011
1. Bwk famili bercuti. InsyaAllah ke KK masa raya cina
2. Beli rumah kat area kajang/bangi - InsyaAllah.
3. Sambung master bulan 6 - bergantung kpd financial, workload, priority,
4. secret mission on dec
5. holiday with girlfrens :) xsabar!!
6. business
7. my career. i want to perform the best. put my commitment into it.
Bekerja kerana Allah
8. jadi insan yg lebih baik, motivational and inspire more ppl
kalo cakap pasal azam. sampai besok pon tak abes. too many things i want. tapi i always bear in mind that u cant have it all at one time. maybe effort kita on 2010, tapi tercapai on 2011. so bersabar and keep moving!
di kesempatan ini, nak ucapkan many thx to ojan. Dia byk berubah skang esp bila dapat kereta idaman. He knows what he wants. Bertambah matured and bertambah expert utk handle me. I am very proud of him for whatever he did or going to do. Most importantly he never fail to make me feel very special.
heyyy!!!!!! may you will keep successing in year 2011 ok!
same la kite nokkk...brg2 tpi jln jee.hahahha.sronok kan~murah dan banyak!hahah
kak mah. GOOD LUCK! =)
and, and... i hear something BIG is happening in June. Trust me, i wouldnt wanna miss it for anything!
I could not be any happier, than seeing my friends be happy.
May 2011 brings u happiness and everything u hope for will be realised. Amin.. .
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