2 way makeup by kryolan - sgt best pakai. nampak natural, tak plastik. senang apply, full coverage, tak pyh touch up, rasa lembut je kulit hehe. sesuai utk sy yg pemalas
the volume flash max from Rimmel - sumpah boleh tny sesape cik orkid sgt mls guna maskara. da byk beli tapi mmg byk xgune. sbb smudge, ssh basuh, ssh nak apply, xnmpak beza. But this mascara is mabeles! senang nk apply, snang nak basuh, pakai skali je da whole day mmg tahan, tak smudge :)
eyeliner - yg ni beli kat kedai tepi jalan coz emergency, but it turns out not too bad! but i like silkygirl one more
azam tahun baru: pakai at lis 3 item ni everyday ke keje. utk nmpak fresh n presentable. i noe i pmalas hehe. N cik orkid sgt "makeup remover freak" coz slalu akan rasa sgt kotor and basuh mekap dgn bebakul2 tisu. tu yg mls apply makeup. So dis year nak kena paksakan diri.
Today, I went to alamanda alone. Again. cewah tu pon nak kecoh. Yela long distance relationship katekan. huk3.
so i went to manicure!!

buat french manicure. tgh bendera merah ni la nak cat2 kuku. Buat kat nail parlour. Service dia best. Filipino, buat lawak je hehe.
Today, I received a very inspiring email. Baru kenal this guy (owh mungkin tak kenal). Just randomly email him. I said something yg konon2 merendah diri and he said "You can go anywhere and do anything with a good attitude and willingness to learn". hahaha. He took it from my blog. Seee...even I myself put it in my blog I always forgot about it.
Its kinda give me motivation. Kebetulan I was also in doubt with my new role. hehe.
So thank you!
So everyone remember that "You can go anywhere and do anything with a good attitude and willingness to learn"
To my dear Ojan yg tgh work on something and in the phase of transforming himself "You can go anywhere and do anything with a good attitude and willingness to learn". Sorry to always make u down...Thats my role so that u can "up" hahahaa.
Anyway, kalo nak cuci mata and baca blog yg penuh dgn model cun lagi hot sila ke sini ---> http://putihviolet.blogspot.com/
Nita aku belum korek lagi gambar candid. Tapi for sure aku akan dpt pnyla nanti. hehee
beb, aku slalu je g shopping complex sorg2~~~~haha
bebb..perlu ke promote aku sebegituuu..wahhhh...saba je la kak mah niee.uhu
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