Dah2. Macam ko je yg bz kan? ahhaa. ok cerita pasal CC.
My parents mmg penah ade mslh dlm cc debt nih. Berpuluh2 ribu ok utk satu kad. Baru satu, kalo byk?? But alhamdulillah sume da setel. CC jadi nightmare dlm idop diorg. N mmg dari kecik didoktrinkan supaya jgn amek CC.
Tapi I have my cc. N i used it actively. hahaa. Adui. Tak learn a lesson ke cik orkid? (Saya mmg degil)
OK disebabkan ramai kwn2 yg dah stat kerja, so jum cik orkid cerita sikit2 pasal kad kredit k. It can be very useful and untung if kita taw guna. N it can be our nitemare gak.
So why oh why I choose to have cc?
1. Easy
Mmg sgt convenience. Sgt. Beli tiket wayang takyah beratur. Pam minyak takyah nak beratur. Xde duit, tak payah nak beratur hahaa. Paypal, online transaction. haih mmg mudahlahhhh
2. Reward
OK. Ni bergantung kpd jenis kad. Mine is Citibank cash back. So die akan bg rebate utk petrol 5%, beauty 3%, grocery 2%. rasa2nya. around dat amount. so to date, i dpt rebate sgt byk. yela considering kita berhutangkan. Dlm 200++ Baru ada cc bulan 11, bulan ni da dpt byk rebate. So dpt bygkan tak how much i da spend. hahahaa. Den sume fee da waive coz im an active user
3. Promo
Citibank mmg terkenal kan dgn cc service dia. So mmg byk la promotion. Swipe je dpt double point, swipe je dpt free coffee, swipe je dpt 0% interest fee up to 2 years. So we need to be smart la. Same goes to other bank, mesti ada je promo. Coz mmg bank lumba2 nak mufliskan org neh haha.
4. Feeling (according to Ojan)
Not apply to me. I malu kot swipe2 u offf....nampak sgt xde duit hahahaa. Tapi ojan ckp feeling2 mak datin. xtawlaaa...i x rasa pape. Just rasa best sikit sbb dlm wallet ada CC so rasa dah besar. Dah matured. Rasa org lain yg xde CC tu masih bwh umur. Sungguh keji. :P
Byk soalan yg cik orkid trime. Antaranya....
1. Ishh tanak la gune bank tuu..aku dgr interest fee dia tinggi.
Fact: Interest fee mmg sama 18% per annum for cc. Tak kira bank ape. Tk taw la tibe2 ade yg lain but setahu cik orkid yg da survey CIMB, Maybank, Citibank, HSBC, sume sameee. Maybe korang dgr 1.5% interest rate...haaa maybe diorg lupe nak ltk, monthly. Darabla 12 jadi 18% gak kan? hehe
2. So ape beza?
Korang tgk ape yg korang guna byk. Kalo guna Shell, so use la citibank, kalo petronas gunala cimb, kalo kaki wayang gune la AEON. Byklaaa korang pilih yg mane suit u the best. For me, i dun want adiah. Not worth it, nak redeem2 plak. N kalo die byk offer discount pon mmg byk tmpt dia cik orkid bkkn shop situ pon. So i chose cash back. haaa rebate byk2. Lagi jimat. Ni bergantung kat kegunaan sendiri taw
3. Bykla hutang, int fee tinggi
Korang guna je byk kali, tp disiplin byr within 20days utk xde kene int fee. Plus rebate masih dpt. So best kan? Tapi kena disiplin la. Byr agak2 dlm 2odays. Then swipe lg. Pastu byr lg hehee
4. Kredit limit?
Jenis card and reward pon bgantung pd jenis card - platinum ke, gold ke. And jenis card and credit limit depends kat gaji. Makin byk gaji makin bestla cc korang
5. Ehhh tak takot ke kene tipu? Fraud transaction?
CC dicipta utk kemudahan. Jadi dgn mudahnya juga boleh kena tipu. So korang nak tanak wat precaution sndiri - always monitor ur card, check transaction every other day (online jah), jgn pnah bg details kad, use kat secured site je etc. Mmg kene jaga2 ok.
6. Ishhhh tanak la cc nih. Sure org sales tu akan sentiasa call
Sumpah!! mmg slalu gak call. Annoying gak esp u tgh bz. So here is the tips:
Bank ***: Helo May I speak to Miss Siti
Sit: Yes speaking
Bank **: Hi Miss Siti, I am ***, from ***
Siti: Is it urgent or promotion?
Bank **: Errr actually aaaaa blablabla
Siti: Is it urgent or promotion (tegas sikit)
Bank: Promo blabla
Siti: Sori im bz rite now, not interested. Thx
Be firm, tapi at the same time polite k :)
Conclusion: Seperti biasa, mmg ada pro n con, tapi it depends on how we use it ok. Kalo pandai mmg sgt beruntung. Skim pinjaman beli brg or ready for cash mmg snang je kalo ade cc. Nak tempah flight airasia yg tibe2 wat promo bile duit kering, tibe2 company suh outstation di saat takde duit, etc. So it is essential. Tapi kena hati2. N cik orkid pon to be honest bila ade cc bajet sgt lari. yelaaa tibe2 rase berkemampuan 15K every month, pdhal 10K tu adalah hutang. Swipe je, u can shopping like a diva, then jadi beggar hahaha.
Pesanan penaja: If korang berminat dgn Citibank, diorg ada promo get a friend. nak gak join, at lis dpt shopping voucher. sape2 nak bgla no kt cik orkid, korang pon dapat something gak taw! berbaloi2 hahha.

Eh lupe lupe:
Important note!!! - OK, CC ni selain dari bahaya nnt overuse, dia actually agak tak menguntungkan esp bagi kita yes incl Cik orkid. OK. I just found out masa survey2 pasal housing loan. Kita kan ada percentage utk berapa byk kita boleh amek loan based on our salary. Car loan, housing loan, personal loan, ASB loan. So add up sume loan nih kena tak lebih dari certain amount. So I baru discover (ish ish baru tawu, org lain da lame taw kot) yg kalo ade credit card kene tolak around rm250 a month (depends on ur credit limit and balance). Mcm kite ade commitment utk byr "loan" CC la. So kite pny percentage utk apply loan pon kurangggg T.T
So better pk dlu b4 amek bg yg ada cita2 yg nak amek kete, umah, or ape2 loan. :D
post yang amat berinfomasi. trimas~ :)
ooo..bgus2. aku pn nk apply credit card gk actly since aku maybe akan travel a lot. so xyah nk bwk cash byk2 all the time kn.
tp x sure nk apply which bank. haha..
cik orkid, i never knew about the policy yang nak beli rumah kena tgk other loans tuh! so, u'r saying that buy a house first then baru amek kereta and credit card? nice.
btw, just to share.. my mom is an anti-cc. my dad had to change his cc twice because the first time, she gunting his cc and the second time she sorok. Who could blame her, she was just being prudence. Then again, what was she thinking my dad gonna use it for anyways? just for his petrol and in case of emergency..
I think u r right. It can be troublesome if u dont have self-discipline. Yet again, its not necessarily a bad thing, if u know how to use it, that is.
thanks for sharing this. i look forward for more interesting article by you. (two thumbs up)
hahaha.soon aku akan ade credit card tanpa nak sendiri. ambank. hahhaha. aku rase aku tak spend banyak kot. so, credit card aku xde gune sgt. ye keeee? hahahahahha
tirah: same2. :P
anas: yurp. org yg bekerja maybe leh consider for cc. tp try cek selalunya company ade "bekalkan" gak
acap: not really, depends to ur budget and how much u target to apply loan. sbb kdg2 loan yg kite da apply dah lebeh kuota, so sgt syglaaa
peah: yurp. slalu kalo apply housing/car loan die mmg suke suki je bg kredit kad. kalo xnk, xpyh amek. bia je even da ready ke hape. hehee
wow!! veyr good post! lpas nie cik orkid bleh jdi famous blogger mcm nie. :)
ade jugak nama aku? FEELING? haha..
well.. knowing me.. besela tuh.. time student tak dpt.. time keje nie la kiter nk rase wat we dont get it time muda2.. hahha..
well.. after this post, i decided not subscribe the cc.. thank cik orkid! :)
wahhh yang last skali tak penah tau pun.msa nak wat housing loan die kire skali eh?
masak arr cani.hoho
wah sgt bernas dan informative...aku blum apply terasa macam msih belum matured..huhuhuhu..
cik orkid nak tambah boleh x??
currently ade juga offer cc islamic compliance...bg yg berminat boleh buat research on this matter..mencari yg halal itu wajib...
p/s: lame dah tak hang out..jom nasi arab..hehehe
afiq: hurm. da research. n im quite sceptical abt islamic product. masih ade int fee. n same je amount dia. lg satu, mase aku nk apply islamic banking doesnt apply to all countries yet and utk my kegunaan. tp x mahu tulis cni sbb aku xde good knowledge on this
emaduel: yurp. i pon tak taw dear. mmg kalo nak apply any loan mmg diorg wat background check eh financial background check. coz die nak pastikan kite mmpu byr :)
Hahaha. Good2 info.Thanks Rahmah :)
Yang part feeling datin tu paling tak tahan.Adoi.
bebbb.aku nk amek citibank yg ko jd referer tu kan.smpi skanggg aku cam tak dpt freekan diri nk fax kan die.haha.aku da fax hari tue.skali die ckp "u just sign je ea"..hahahahha.lawak wehhh.aku just sign je mane yg ade 'x' yg lain leave blank.malas sgt kannn..lolzz
btw.nice sharing.pasnie bole bg byk lagi tips k.ko mmg mantapss kak mah!
nita: uittttt pnylaaa senang keje tu kannn leh plak mls lagi hahaha. sengal2. dah la gune phone je pastu dpt :P
ko accept? wahh thx!! dptla aku voucher n ko pon dpt more saving hahaa
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