Official letter from Petronas. Thanks abg Ujai for making this process smoothly.
Jangan risau untuk fail. Bukan cik orkid kata marilah kita fail. Bukan. If you fail on something that u really wish for, its ok. No worries.
Lately ramai kawan2 batch july call/sms/gtalk tanya pasal ni.
Memang susah untuk cari kerja selagi belum release. All petronas scholar are obliged to serve petronas. So my advice now is just to prepare on your resume. Brush up your communication skills, thinking skills and current issues.
Do not ever think to fail. Because this is very dangerous unless you have secured a stable job.
Focus more on your FYP. Hunting for jobs tu as aktiviti sampingan je. Jgn jadi stress pasal cari kerja ni. Belum tiba masanya lagi. Hunting for jobs should be exciting.
Untuk my dear friends yg dah grad, tgh carik kerja, or dah bekerja, gudluck! Jgn stres2 kalo fail SI. Petronas sgt baik hati dan bukan mintak in short period. They will give u time. Ample time. Ye ye saya tahu adalah jugak yg ckp, saya yg da secure job bolehla cakap mcm tu. Tapi dear, mungkin ini bukan ditakdirkan utk kita. So just move on!
I always believe this. Always
"We always do not get what we want, but we always get something better"
Believe in Allah :)
ak still plek..
nape ntah tulis release letter in malay?
ak rase pet sume bnde nk in english =O
agaklah. agaknye gune bahasa standard kerajaan. bahasa jiwa bangsa. kot! ahhaha
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