1. copy the year-end-tag pic above (click on the image, then baru copy)
2. write the best 3 movies you have watched in 2009.
The Ugly Truth
I like this muvi!! dr awal smpai akhir ketawa je. N sgt sweet. Even ade ckit 18sx (eh..mungkin banyak :P) tapi kite kan dah bsr hak3 :P All in all, crite die sgt sweet, n not forget to mention i love romantic comedy so much! hehe.
Terminator Salvation


OK. This is the best muvi of the year!!! I've watched it twice. Ramai gak mengkritik diz muvi tp i love the humanity part. Sangat2. N buat saya terfikir apa akan jadi if the world ends. What is our role? Yes.. mmgla bkn mcm dlm Quran dan menyimpang tapi diz is just a muvi aite? Pemikiran manusia, takleh melangkaui rahsia Dia. Kesan bunyi, plot cerita, fakta2 sains. I love reading about hari kiamat sama ada dlm Islam or "scientifically". Ini adalah salah satu teori manusia and I can relate everything i bc dgn diz muvi. Pencarian manusia tak terhenti. Sentiasa mencari. Again, i love the humanity part and we shud take lessons from dat


Ni pon x best sgt. Tp i love the humanity part. Cerita ni byk membuatkan saya berfikir beyond the muvi.hehe
Eden Lake

Ni the worst ever la...satu mlm sakit ati dgn crite dia, dgn ending die. hehe.
P/S: Sebenarnya nak letak most of Malay stories dlm worst movies. Tapi x baik la plak. hahaha. Mmg cerita Melayu belum sampai tahap OK pun lagi diz yr. Ehem. N..everytime tgk muvi, try not to put expectations, sbb akan jd x best. Try look outside the muvi. The value. Tp if da wat cm2, crite da x besh nak wat cmne kan? :P
haha.dear, people judge differently.aku geng dengan trah tak suka cte2 US bajet hero nih. hehe,some people said 2012 is the best movie ever but there are some people said the movie memang tak best - they said mengarut. yes, agreed with that coz every single accident, the people will safe. (org kate more to tak logik). but the main point aku x masuk dengan cte nih sebab die cerita mcm bencana alam yg besar kaw kaw je..its not the end of the world pun (kan last cerita kapal tuh tetibe ada kat laut mane ntah) hehe. maybe sebab aku dh tgk cte japan sinki ngn cte korea yg bencana jugak mcm 2012. so, aku rasa adalah same jer.=) anyway, mcm aku ckp, people judge differently. =)
betul2! mmg crite ni tak logic. 100% agreed on dat. akal manusia. tak melangkaui. haha.
nape aku suke crite ni? 1st: humanity value. 2nd: efek die
tp cerita die: xlogic.
ahhaa.peah tak abes2 dgn tak logic die..eehehhe
tkpe2..yea.mmg betul..people judge differently..
tpi papepon..aku sokong rahmah!cite die wat aku terpegun.uhu..
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