Home Fitness Party babeh!
Thanks for my b for introducing me diz reli great work out!
But unfortunately, im too shy to practice it in my room...with my roomate watching me.
Yela. Sakgi lemak bergoyang2 menurut irama rancak zumba susahla plak.
haha. ok. apekah zumba sebenarnya?
its actually the hottest latin dance.
omg! pls imagine u just move around ur hips..as hot as shakira.
anyway, i've always love aerobics. owh pls. mind me for my body la.
dulu masa high school SESERI, saya join kelab aerobic ok!
sgt besh!! every week ade class and saye masih ingat masa ktorg perform masa sports day.
mmg prektis day n nite. n i can feel my body was hot at dat time ok. sume tight! :P
okok. back to zumba...housemates...sape nak join? malulah sorang2. haha. if lana da balek, for sure menari dgn dia. peah pon layan.. haha.
serius. its addictive! u can google zumba and u will know why i said so.
cehhh..ngok ngek..name aku pun ade gak terselit!hahaha
eh marilaa..sy pon suke bergolek2..xperlu malu2 la rumate..mcm xbiase aje..hahaha
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