Orkid Says:

You can start anywhere and do anything with a good attitude and willingness to learn

Friday, February 13, 2009


What is the meaning of sacrifice?

Quoted from Wikipedia

“Sacrifice (from a Middle English verb meaning "to make sacred", from Old French, from Latin sacrificium: sacr, "sacred" + facere, "to make") is commonly known as the practice of offering food, objects (typically valuables), or the lives of animals or people to the gods as an act of propitiation or worship. The term is also used metaphorically to describe selfless good deeds for others or a short term loss in return for a greater gain, such as in a game of chess.”

Selfless good deeds….. if something tu dibuat tidak ikhlas adakah digelar sacrifice? Sacrifice is a huge word. It’s not synonym to helping.. Adakah kita meminta sacrifice? Bolehkah kita meminta?

Tapi manusia…biasalah.. Bertahun2 org sacrifice utk kita tp kita tak perasan. But baru few times kita tlg org kita dah rasa mcm2. Apa kita boleh gelar org ni? Kalo selfless tu untuk org yg suker sacrifice so the best word utk org ni ialah selfish.
Kalau kita dah tak perasan apa perbuatan baik org tu or kita dah start berkira…what’s the purpose of staying? Betul tak? Tapi sy phm…manusia lg ingat perbuatan baik yg dia buat kat org lain daripada perbuatan baik org bg kat dia. Lumrah~ Manusia mudah lupa. Tak terkecuali dgn saya… Manusia juga tend to menghukum org dgn satu kesilapan yg sgt jarang dilakukan lantas melupakan segalanya.

Contoh plng senang…mak ayah kita… dia la jaga kita dr kecik. Suap kita. Bg makan sume. Sekolahkan kita. Pendek kata, sacrifice everything la. Tapi bila dtg seorg kekasih yg kononnya sacrifice (sacrifice ape pun tak taw la), mula la kita lupa dgn parents kita yg dah sacrifice bertahun2..mcm 2 la contoh. Boleh jadi kat sape2. bukan kat parents je..

Haha. Just terpikir tentang kehidupan ketika jem teruk (near 2 hours) sebab LTDL….

P/S : Semoga Allah menjadikan aku hambaNya yg tidak mudah lupa diri dan bersyukur dgn nikmatnya

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