Drove to One Utama to celebrate Jae birthday. Apparently my besday is fall on the same date as Jae. So I went to Kura, One World Hotel to celebrate with Japenese food. At first I felt very3 weird to celebrate someone who shared the same birthday like me. I never expect that they were also planned to throw surprise birthday party to me also. Kura is a nice place!! We reserved a room and the food was very good! I just ordered sushi as I don’t really like sashimi. Before that, we had two cute cakes! Thanks guys!!
Omg! I was touched! I really appreciate our friendship even it is just a short period. I will miss all those laughs and dizziness to choose our lunch place. Hehe. It was like a final gathering before they all fly back to Melbourne.
Sorry guys for not join u all for drinks. I was afraid to drive late to home.
Finally, hugs and kisses to my dear friends : Melvin, Peifern, Jae, Adilah, Harvey, Yin and Joyce. Not forgetting, Chye Soon, Lawrence, Nicole, Juanne, Sue Anne and Wei Ping who could not make it to the party.
Hugs! Hugs! Hugs! :P

It was my birthday! Wheee~~ I was a bit late as I slept quite late chatting with my b and reply all those sweet messages last nite. Suddenly kak maria, the AO call my name and ask me to go upstairs level 23a as a guest was waiting for me. Uhhuuu~ who was that? I was very nervous at that time. I just afraid if client wanted to see me. Hehe. And I was surprised by a cute cupcakes!! Wah~~~
I was very, very, happy…it was from my b actually…
See…it is so nice rite?? I luv u b~ hugs!
After that, I also cont reply all those wishes thru gtalk, fb and email. Thanks dear!! All those wishes mean a lot for me and I appreciate it soo much.
Afta dat…pisunk buzz me. He wished me and asked me about watch…. Wait..wait…watch??? is that the surprise from my b??? hahahaha. My b was so excited telling me on dat morning dat he will surprise me. But….pisunk had revealed it and I couldn’t help myself other than laughing and laughing. Hahahahah. My dear b is sooo cute! Everytime he wanted to give surprises to someone, for sure he failed. Alalaa…b…dun sad k! haha.
In the evening Ojan went to my house straight from his office. He was waiting for me until fell asleep. Haha. Poor dear…u have to stand with ur girl who are very committed with her work (perasan!)haha. After I arrived he took my car to carwash. Haha. I never wash my car like ages! Haha. Thanks b. In the meantime I settle everything and dress up for tonite…
Orite..these are some of the pics at that nite. It was a very3 lovely nite. Muah3!!!

First visit. Miss Penny rox!! Haha. And I did a really brave action…haha. Until the director know me. I hope I can do the best in EY…
Outing with my BFF…again….for another makeover…again….haha!
We got some makeup from Bodyshop! Yayy!!
And I…..was lucky again…to get a lucky draw!! Yay!! T

At that nite…we went for PGL. We was very3 late! Soooo sooo sorry to remy… But I would say..the show from PGL was a magic!! Seriously….very magical and breathtaking…I was soooo excited and happy!!
That nite Lana and I were stayed over the girls house. As usual, pillow talk…It was a very memorable nite…yeah…it was just a talk but I reli2 enjoyed it. Thanks tirah, saf n ju..
That concludes my blastful week..i really hope the upcoming weeks filled with happiness and love and gratitude :)
1 comment:
yyaa....lovely weekend..even ade yg tak tak best tular make it more sweet n buakn salah
pisunk2..ko nie mmg menspoiler kan aku r..smpi rahmah taw tepek2 jer hadiah ape aku nk bg...uhuhuh..
pgl..dak2 gurl nie mmg bermake up smpi kalah pgl dancer..sampi "gadoh" kejap dgn my frend..huhuh..
but..all those events very heppy spent tyme!
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