N the most beloved, never jeles, never stabbed back fren. SYUHADA
I LOVE HER SOO MUCH. She is my bestest n closest fren since form 1. Act I knew her since primary school but we became close during secondary school. I stayed over her house. Omg. No words can explain how much I felt glad to see her.
She will fly this February. On 8th or 9th feb. I must go there. Meet her.
OK2. Done with that story. So I met with my old frenz from primary school and secondary school. Every1 has their owh path.
Im so stupid. So excited meeting dem until totally forgot to take pics. Sigh~
I met with
Syuhada- of coz
Hazwan – my old frenz from SMK Pandan
Bakhtiar - my old frenz from SMK Pandan
Hakim – my old frenz since standard 1. haha. I still remember since we were young ppl alwez gossiping us.
Zafirah – my old frenz from SK Pandan
Kak Dila – my other best3 kakak. I love her. So3 much
Azri-act he’s kak dila’s fren but I knew her coz we were prefects in smk pandan
As usual, I left Kuantan with my heart throbbing all over. Haha.
Now…move to our family vacation. TERENGGANU. Y Terengganu?? No3. Its not becoz of Ojan. Hahaaha.
Ayah had “re-union” with his old frenz with his fren since primary school. Uhhuu…
At first I felt boring. Old folks reunion. Hahaa. But I saw them were very cute. Omg. Cuba bygkan u all jumpe with ur school frenz n u old a bkedut, beruban dan sudah beranak pinak. Haha.. I think that’s cute. Serious!
We ol tido kat chalet tepi pantai. Ktorg adakan bbq. N the menu was sotong, udang n ikan. Yayyy!!! I love seafood n I sooo excited. N I was excited panggang2 those thing smpai tanak mkn walau dipaksa. Tapi.. bile start makan, I could not stop!! Haha.
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