For my lovely Mom....
I bought cupcake online. From irma...the cupcakes are really sweet and cantik sgt2!! Tu la kelebihannya shopping on9 :P
Anyone yg nak wat surprise to their beloved..this is one idea...
The link : http://irmaputri-cupcake.blogspot.com/
The best thing she can deliver rite in front of ur house n u can actually can ask for ur fav themes n colours.
Haha. cm sy plak yg jual. Nway, masa irma dtg anta da cupcakes, mama tgh tido. Kepenatan. Malam tu ayah bawak mama n aiman g celebrate kat Papa Chop Mama Grill (Betul ke?) hehe. So mase tu baru ayah tunjuk the cake. Mama sgt2 tharu..mcm nak nangis sume… hehe. Dia jz ckp
“Kaklong, terima kasih. Lawanya kek. Mama tak tahu nak cakap ape dah”
That’s all. But I know mama was very happy…
I love u mom…..
I bought cupcake online. From irma...the cupcakes are really sweet and cantik sgt2!! Tu la kelebihannya shopping on9 :P
Anyone yg nak wat surprise to their beloved..this is one idea...
The link : http://irmaputri-cupcake.blogspot.com/
The best thing she can deliver rite in front of ur house n u can actually can ask for ur fav themes n colours.
Haha. cm sy plak yg jual. Nway, masa irma dtg anta da cupcakes, mama tgh tido. Kepenatan. Malam tu ayah bawak mama n aiman g celebrate kat Papa Chop Mama Grill (Betul ke?) hehe. So mase tu baru ayah tunjuk the cake. Mama sgt2 tharu..mcm nak nangis sume… hehe. Dia jz ckp
“Kaklong, terima kasih. Lawanya kek. Mama tak tahu nak cakap ape dah”
That’s all. But I know mama was very happy…
I love u mom…..
wuhuhu... comelnye cake tuh... ko beli la kan untuk aku plak...
nak nak nak.. :P
xbleh la dear..kang xsurprise. xbest! :P
hahah..mah..seyes lawa..nak blaja buat tapi aku tak minat lak wat2 kueh nih..tgn kasar=p..huk3..mcm mane nak order eyh?teringin lak nak order....bape ringgit?
rm45...including delivery. ko bg la kat laki terchenta. haha~
waaa....comelnye kek itu~~
ni bleh wat surprise utk admire akak nih..
heheheheheheh.. ^___^
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