Orkid Says:

You can start anywhere and do anything with a good attitude and willingness to learn

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Peristiwa 28 April

Alhamdulillah..satu perkara yang amat ditunggu2 habis gak.

Macam Keane cakap, tell our kids about that. Masa Cik Orkid baca status dia, Cik Orkid terpikir la apalah yang menarik sangat dgn oral presentation sampai nak cerita kat anak cucu. Haha.

Tapi, miracle things happened.

Good? Bad?

1st, to be honest I am kinda not really confident with my project since kene hentam dgn evaluators masa pre edx.

I was among the first group to present, majority hari kames. So perasaan bersemangat tuh xdelah sangat. Sedang prepare, seorang Master student Tanya tentang my paper. Then he offers his help to practice for my presentation. OMG. Tibe2 je. Pukul 11, besoknya ada presentation. So nak tanak mmg kena praktis betul2 depan dia. It really helps!! Alhamdulillah. See..bantuan Allah memang dekat, bukan kita plan pun. Dia kembalikan semangat dan keyakinan Cik Orkid. He said my paper is good, product is commercialized and I should pursue in Master studies.

Dalam hati Cik Orkid just ckp “Yelah tu” Sebab serius memang Cik Orkid masih down. Tapi Cik Orkid takdelah down sampai give up. When others not believe in me, I try my best to do the best.

Hari before the presentation day Cik Orkid jumpa dgn my beloved SV. OK. Cik Orkid dari dulu memang respek dekat cikgu, lecturer. Memang diajar begitu dari kecik. Maybe because my mother is a teacher kot. So even my SV ada kontroversi dgn supervisee, I am still her favorite supervisee selain Donut. Haha. She always believes in my project. Always support me. Thanks ms!!

OK. The judgement day :P

Everything is ok when I come to the venue. Semua ok. So my turn is after Azfa. So macam biasa, sambil tunggu dia present, sambil klik2 try system. Sakgi. “Pop” keluarlah coco crunch. Haha. Ok tipu. Rosak ok. Dia macam takleh baca. OMG.

Then my sv panggil for my turn. Then Cik Orkid nak load my slides to computer lab to project at the screen taw. Then. Pop keluarlah coco crunch lagi. Ok tipu lagi. Lame gile. Computer tak detect!! Segala jenis lubang dah cucuk tapi dia tak kua gak. Tukar thumbdrive. Pun takleh. OMG. My sv pun tolong2 sume. Seyes sgt cuak. Dahla dgn pikir my system da crash. OMG. Im in triple trouble. Bayangkan ni terjadi. Terasa setahun kerja anda sia2. Terasa apalah dosa ko neh.

Tapi prof tu sgt baik. Dia cakap tak perlu presentation sebab dia awal2 masa baca my report pun dia dah contact my sv n dia interested in my paper. Dia siap cakap I should pursue in Master and patut pergi jauh. My sv pun tambah2. Haha. Cik Orkid? Cik Orkid tgh cuak masa tu, tak kesahlah master or doctor atau pape, aku in trouble. Mati. Mati. Mati.

Then dia nak tgk system. Mati!! Memang tak boleh. So just proceed with Iylia. I call my beloved prince charming mr ojan!! Dia seperti kudaku lari gagah berani dtg ke lab. At the same time I reboot my laptop By the time mr ojan dtg, my system, pop jadilah koko krunch tibe2 ok setelah aku baca mantera. Eh bukan2. Baca ayat2 quran, seru nama Allah.

Alhamdulillah. So I present dgn guna laptop je. And mintak amek masa dia utk present betul2. Alhamdulillah. He likes my project. Takde soalan. Just dia 15 minit membebel pasal KM implementation dlm industry and how my system is actually can help ppl in industries. And boleh pulak my evaluators wat sesi Q n A dgn Prof tu. Evaluators lain salin2 apa yang dia cakap. Haha. Father of KM katekan. Cik Orkid? Juga pura2 salin. Hahaah.

So lagi sekali dia suggest to publish my paper and mintak kebenaran utk collaborate. He gives me his email. OMG. Excited. Seorang yang sangat expert dlm KM put his interest in my paper. My SV jgn katalah. Memang senyum je. Haha.

So betullah kata Allah. With hardship, will come relief. Kejayaan ini memang rasa manis sebab I went through a lot. Kawan biasa kutuk my system. Macam2 lah.Apepun, byk lagi yg perlu improve. I still have a lot of weaknesses in my paper. Tapi i wont stop learning :)

And of coz, I'll never forget the ppl around me who alwez support me, my sv, my b, my parents, Yun, my friends. Kalo takde diorg ni, memang tak jadi apa saya nih. Thx sgt2.


So now I got stories to tell to my anak cucu :P


safwanah said...

wah.congrats to u rahmah!

Orkid said...

thx! tapi x sehebat ko yg dpt gold medal :)

Unknown said...

wah! very nice story!! nnti anak bace msti bangga! dgn itu..nak wat post jugak! haha :P

Suraya I. said...

haha, 2-2 mak ngan bapak ade cte pstu story kt ank then suh ank pilih story mne lg best =P