Orkid Says:

You can start anywhere and do anything with a good attitude and willingness to learn

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

She's not single..anymore :P

Weekend lepas dari Bangi ke JB and on the same day ke Kuantan.

Plan A: famili dtg pick up from Bangi n go to kuantan
Plan B: follow kdila balik kuantan

Dua2 plan pon tak jadi. Jadi plan c: naik airasia gi jb den trus ke kuantan

Haih2. Melayang duit haaha.Ni sume sbb sikap careless yg tak bertempat. Atm card tercicir tgh sibuk shopping kt sogo. Bleh je renew tapi passbook pon da bertahun2 hilang. so terpaksa wat kat jb. Terpaksa gak coz sume duit kat akaun c2 je. So azam next year utk jadi lebih berhati2 dan mmg amek berat even for small things. I always take for granted of important documents, bills, certs.. mmg byk mnde jadi bcoz of my bad habits. so kene berubah! hehe

Then, ke kuantan. My besfren mase sekolah dulu. mmg besfren. rapat gile. lama tak jumpa. dah terputus hubungan. hopefully pasni kite keep in touch k?

Alhamdulillah i was there masa akad nikah tu. takde perasaan sgt. hepi for my fren. she cried. trus terpikir cik orkid akan nangis tak nnt hehe.

she is soooo pretty. mase sekolah dulu relax je kata xnak kawen whatever not. tetibe die dulu yg kawen. btuah betul dpt dia. sgt baik, cantik and blur2 gitu hahaa.

haih bila kawan kawen seharusnya kite yg dtg utk mkn nasi minyak pon org sibuk tanya. amin amin amin sesiapa yg doakan cepatnya berlangsung perkahwinan. Doakan sekali ada org nak sponsor hehe.

Anyway, cuba bayangkan cik orkid pakaim spek. bayangkan. bayangkann









buruk hokkayyy but i guess i need that soon. aiyoooo sedihnyaaaaaaa. how how how?

Monday, December 27, 2010

Havent decided yet on 2011's resolution....

But what I know is....

I really want.....

Vacation with girlfriends!!

Hopefully dapat la!!

Tak sabar :)

Nak berjalan2 tepi pantai sambil feeling2 pakai sundress and shades. haahha.
OMG. taksabar!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dream High

..and be prepared to fall.

Many of us afraid to dream high.

Including me.

If I want something, i will end up tired of thinking ways to do it.

But i read somewhere that u just need to know what u want and stick with it.

I remember before I entered UTP, I dream of having a bf. hahaha. a gentle bf. I think i get that.
(gatal tak?)

I remember I want to be a student leader (yes, tiba2, tiba2 ok i dpt jadi mpp)

I remember I want to get dean's list every sem (dpt even atas pagar hahaa)

So screw the small voice within u that keep saying that u cant achieve it. Do not underestimate yourself.

BUT...not everything we want we can have. I have a lot of failures too; which I dont want to touch that. Remember of your achievement by far rather than looking at something that u dont have. Betul x?

Maybe Allah keeps the best for you. Just the time hasnt come yet. Kan?

Remember Rahmah and my dear friends

"You can have it all, but u cant have it all at the same time"


Thats a key to success.

Believe. Believe in Allah and yourself.

Ppl always run to have everything, and end up getting nothing.

So tips from me, mcm ni put certain KPI for certain months or year.

Takkan la u nak kete, rumah, gi haji and travel on the same year kan?
Tu contoh paling senang. Byk lagi boleh relate. Bukan tak boleh nak semua, but prioritize and jgn sbb nak kejar sume ur life jadi kelam kabut

hehehee. peringatan utk diri sendiri.

sbb selalu nak semua. sabar rahmah. sabar :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I hate It

I hate it when you make me laugh,

even worse when you make me cry.....

Monday, December 13, 2010

Today and Tomorrow

Today I learned a hard lesson..

Your aim may not be the same as others..
I need to learn to run to my dreams alone :)
Sometimes u can achieve bigger yourself..instead of waiting for someone.
Alhamdulillah, He has opened my eyes. I will not do the stupid things again.
PEMBETULAN: I had a response saying dat i will not be successful doing alone and every success come with the help with others. Yes, i agree. Actually this post is when im really sad that my aim is not aligned with "that person". What I meant was, i have to do it alone, without that person but of course i need others - Allah, my family, my friends :) Thanks!!! Really appreciate the comment.
P/S: I know what I want to do next year: invest, study, business, family and beauty. Sounds too ambitious? yes. at lis i have dreams and i can see tomorrow, not just today :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Emo lagi

Setelah hampir seminggu or lebih seminggu bagi aiman dok umah cik orkid, diorg balik ke jb tadi.

Hantar diorg ke bukit jalil. mula2 rasa mcm bagus la jugak diorg balik, dahla demam kena pikir diorg makan ape lagi. kene drive sane cni. umah bersepah lagi. hehe.

so cool je la diorg balik kan.

on da way balik sorang2...dah menangis teresak2. huiyooo malu la if adik2 cik orkid taw. ye la saye ni seorg kakak yg garang lagi kasar. nak tgk nangis dpn mata mmg susah laaa.

ktorg susah berkumpul sekali at one time. cik orkid masuk asrama time form 3. lepas tu mmg merantau. kejar cita2 sendiri.

kngah pon same. tapi atlis die lame ckit dgn aiman. pastu die pon fly.
so bertiga without mama ayah rasa lain sgt.
karok mcm org gila, makan2, sesat2.

hmmm balik umah rasa empty sgt. xde sape nak jerit2.

dalam kete pon sunyi, xde sape yg gitaw arah jalan...coz mata ni dah makin kelabu.

tinggal je guitar hero kat umah ni...xde lagi gelak tawa tgk pelik je bila cik orkid main.
haih...sedih2...bila lagi nak gila2 macam ni.

tak tawla diorg ade rase pape ke haha. tapi minggu ni mmg minggu emo cik orkid. berair mata je.

balik2 pon gi klinik coz demam...dapat MC satu hari. haih. baru keje da MC... mr ojan pun MC. Bguslaa dua2 sakit. sehati sejiwa katekan haha

Alhamdulillah seronok sgt dpt hanta kngah gi ESQ, dapat anta aiman gi Kem. masa ni la nak tlg adik2 b4 kawen. eh kawen? jeng jeng jeng hahaa.

now nak plan gi holiday dgn diorg la...insyaAllah kalau dimurahkan rezeki :)


Love this pic...credit to meisin

Ni la bila demam..tak larat nak ke mane2...so update blog je la kejenyee...

Cik orkid di luaran maybe nmpk kuat. Berkareer la konon. yes. im strong in dat. But emotionally im sooo fragile. very2. mr ojan je phm. dia slalu je kene at my worst. selalu mrh dgn diri sendiri nape jd cmni...

lately slalu pikir pelik2. pernah sekali drive kete, dgr lagu superwoman. nanges u~~~ membayangkan ape jadi if mr ojan tibe2 berubah? omai2.

mintak dijauhkan. amin :)

Superwoman Early in the morning I put breakfast at your table, and make sure that your coffee has its sugar and cream... Your eggs are overeasy, your toast unlikely, all that's missing is your morning kiss that used to greet me... Now you say the juice is sour, it used to be so sweet, and I can't help but to wonder if you're talking about me... We don't talk the way we used to talk, it's hurting so deep, I've got my pride, I will not cry, but it's making me weak...

I'm not your superwoman...
I'm not the kind of girl that you can let down,
and think that everything is okay...
Boy I am only human...
This girl needs more than occasional hugs
as a token of love from you to me...

I fought my way through the rush hour trying to make it home just for you...
I want to make sure that your dinner will be waiting for you...
But when you get there, you just tell me you're not hungry at all,
you said you'd rather read the paper and you don't want to talk...
You like to think that I'm just crazy when I say that you've changed,
I'm convinced I know the problem, you don't love me the same...
You're just going through the motions and you're not being fair,
I've got my pride, I will not cry, still I can't help but care!!!

I'm not your superwoman...(oh no no no!!!)
I'm not the kind of girl that you can let down
and think that everything is okay...
Boy I am only human...(I'm only human!!!)
This girl needs more than occasional hugs
as a token of love from you to me...

I'm not your superwoman...
I'm not the kind of girl that you can let down
and think that everything is okay...
Boy I am only human...
This girl needs more than occasional hugs
as a token of love from you to me...

Oooh, baby!!!
Look into the corners of your mind,
I'll always be there for you through good and bad times,
but I can't be the superwoman that you want me to be!!
I'll give my everlasting love if you'll return love to me!!
I'm not your superwoman!!!!

I'm not the kind of girl that you can let down
and think that everything is okay...
Boy I am only human...
This girl needs more than occasional hugs
as a token of love from you to me...

Oh!!! If you feel it in your heart and you understand me, stop right where you are, everybody sing along with me! (hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo...) I'm the kind of girl that can treat you so sweet, but you got to realize that you got to be sweeter to me!!! I need love, I need just your love, I'm not your superwoman...

Minggu Demam!

Walau demam...masih melakukan kewajipan sebagai spouse ojan.

Aduhai..tu pon kecoh. hahaa. kelaka tol bile cik orki dtg dinner kompeni mr ojan sume bsing pasal spouse2 nih. alaaaa company e***** jgn la kedekut sgt! :P ngeeee

simple sgt mlm tu. mekap sendiri. sgt2 natural. or sangat2 malas. coz demam. haih. org mcm cik orkid if demam mmg sgt menyeksakan. dugaan Allah. Byk sgt dosa neh.

oh yaa..dinner kat KL Convention Center. Sgt ramai employees. Syarikat audit terbesar. I was a part of their organization too. So jumpa la few familiar faces. Terasa awkward sedikit. hehe. Gambar betul2 xde coz kamera mr ojan xde bateri - as usual. gmbar lain ntah kat kamera lain la kot :P

gambar ni motipnye nak tunjuk skaf kat kepala tu. i like it. hahaa. tibe2 perasan comel dgn bunga tu even hidung da kembang gile tanda selsema :P terpaksa balik awal coz da bersin2 puluh2 kali dlm dewan tu.

cuti ni 2 org adik saye dtg menyibuk. kejenye makan dan berjalan. haih. i wish i have longer holidayssssss

bak kata nita, "tak sah gi alamanda if xmakan waffle dia". mmg stiap kali la cik orkid makan waffle.

malam tu kami bertiga buat pertama kalinya berkarok adik beradik. sgt kelaka ok! n merapatkan silaturahim. adikku yg bertudung labuh pon jalan~~~ hahaha.

adik2ku terpaksa tunduk demi menghormati kakaknye. haha. walaupun da pakai gladiator heels yg mmg sgt tinggi. haih sedih T.T

P.S: Dah pikir azam baru kawan2? cik orkid belum lagi! tapi dlm otak da mcm2 angan2 da. :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cuti Sekolah

Cuti sekolah!!!

Entah ape kene mengene dgn cik orkid? hehe.

Last long weekend famili cik orkid dtg kat teratak sewa. My kembar, sepupu2, mak sedara, adik beradik n parents. So bygkan meriah tol umah tu.

Disebabkan xde kamera, xde la gmbr di amek. Pastu lupe bb ade kamera. tp bukan lawa pon kamera bb kan. huk3.

Seronok sgt dgn famili. Kan?

Hari tu hari dlm sejarah, g my fav place Village View kat Bangi, cik orkid order byk gile sampai tak muat meja. serius! kena amek satu meja extra utk lauk je. waiter pon pasrah je tgk. i pon malu je. ni sume excited lebeh nak belanja. hahaha.

Alhamdulillah..tak membazir pon, sbb mmg sedap! cuma tapau tomyam n ayam kunyit je.
tu mmg my fav place. sdp! ktorg mkn ikan siakap 3 rasa, kerang rempah istimewa, ayam pandan, ayam kunyit, sotong tepung, udang tepung, kerabu mangga, kailan ikan masin, ketam pepper, asparagus, tomyam, telur bungkus n bermacam2 jus. so dpt bygkan x? mmg sgt byk hahaa.

too bad xde gambar coz mase tu mlm. camera phone pon mmg x lawa.

Den, mlm isnin tu bwk my family g mkn kt Hotel Equatorial Bangi.

Saje share my achievement.. yela..kami bukan org senang. mkn kt hotel pon bile ade special function je
My sis yg dari Uni Sbah. Die single lagi. hahhahaa

Ni rahmah, dia pon single lagi. tapi boringly unavailable~~ haahaha
Makanan kat sane oklaaaa. bese2 je. hotel kan...mahal je la. hahaa. but the best part dessert la.

saje letak gmbr ni coz nk tnjuk mcm org pregnant da aku nih hahaa. ok. my younger bro n sis mmg taller den me even i pakai heels 3 inch. huk3

My beloved sibling. Diorg masih kat umah cik orkid. mama ayah da balik jb. y diorg kt umah? saje merapatkan silaturahim sesama adik beradik. hahaa. kami jarang jumpa sekali. yela aiman kat jb, along kat kl sibuk keje je, angah kat sabah. hmmmm

We wish u a merry christmas~~ and hepi new year~~~

P/S: Alhamdulillah atas segala rezeki Allah :D

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Career Opportunities at Shell

Your friends/relatives/contacts with Finance & Accounting experience and qualification may walk-in for an interview this coming weekend. They will be required to indicate the name of the Referee during the pre-assessment session (to the HR Interviewer)

Details on the Walk-in Interview

§ Date: 11 and 12 December 2010 (Saturday & Sunday)
§ Time: 10.00 am to 3.00 pm
§ Venue: Shell House, Changkat Damansara, Damansara Heights, 50490 Kuala Lumpur
§ Attire: Smart Casual
§ Compulsory Documents: 1) Resume 2) Photocopies of both Education Certifications and Recent Payslip

Information on Vacancies

§ Analyst / Team Manager – Stock Valuation
Requirement: Degree/Professional Qualification in Finance or Accounting, with 4 – 7 years of relevant experience in finance/accounting. Team Manager will require supervisory skills.

§ Analyst – Accounts Payable
Requirement: Degree/Professional Qualification in Finance or Accounting, with 3 - 5 years of relevant experience in Accounts Payable/Expenditure.

§ Associate / Analyst - Treasury Back Office (Financial Accounting)
Requirement: Degree/Professional Qualification in Finance or Accounting, with 1 – 4 years of relevant experience in finance/accounting. Mandarin /Thai read and speak proficiency is an advantage.

§ Analyst / Team Manager - Fixed Asset (Financial Accounting)
Requirement: Degree/Professional Qualification in Finance or Accounting, with 4 – 7 years of relevant experience in finance/accounting. Team Manager will require supervisory skills. Mandarin/Thai read and speak proficiency is an advantage.

§ Analyst / Team Manager - Financial Reporting
Requirement: Degree/Professional Qualification in Finance or Accounting, with 4 – 7 years of relevant experience in Financial Reporting. Team Manager will require supervisory skills. Mandarin read and speak proficiency is an advantage.

§ Associate - Debt Collection
Requirement: Degree/Professional Qualification in Finance or Accounting, with 1 – 2 years of relevant experience in Debt Collection or Credit Management. Mandarin read and speak proficiency is an advantage.

§ Associate - Credit Assessment
Requirement: Degree/Professional Qualification in Finance or Accounting, with 1 – 2 years of relevant experience in Credit Management or Audit. Mandarin read and speak proficiency is an advantage.

§ Associate - Cash Application & Allocation
Requirement: Degree/Professional Qualification in Finance or Accounting, with 1 – 2 years of relevant experience in Accounts Receivables /Credit Management/Audit. Mandarin read and speak proficiency is an advantage.

Indicate the name of the Referee, Siti Nur' Rahmah during the pre-assessment session (to the HR Interviewer).

Kalo tak indicate, korang tak dapat kerja. muahahaha. x2. ni utk win-win situation hehe :)

Anyway, to all graduating students who really keen to join this global company, pls contact me ya. This is a really great opportunity where you will be placed under Graduate Scheme and Shell will groom you to be a leader. I will try to assist you in recruitment process. hehe :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

How to Do More

How to do more?

I always think that I haven’t stretch myself yet. Not fully put myself into test. Not contribute enough to my organization.
How can I do more?

PS. Dah tanya Program Lead, nak buat byk keje...but he replied. U have coordination tasks to do, thats a lot of efforts, then KM small project, if i put u in testing team u will end up spending nights in office. We dont want to overstretch u.

PPS. Maybe i need to start my business again :) hehee

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dinner @ Midori Japanese Restaurant

Last sunday nite, we went to Midori Japanese Restaurant kat Marriot Putrajaya.

This is for my celebration. What celebration? Rahsia. hahaa. So I invited one of the most important person in my life. Nanti bila my family turun insyaAllah, i'll do the same thing, tapi bukan kat sini la.


Meja sebelah org jepun. Kami pegang chopstick pon terkial2. layannn~~~

So ni la some of the foods we had.
Semua ni digelar Oishi Buffet On Leg. Sebab buffet tu dtg kat kita. So kita tak payah nak gerak amek makanan. Pilih je dari meja. Rasa macam VIP kejap hahaa.

Makanan dia sedap. Selalunya cik orkid xleh trime sgt japanese foods. Tapi ni best la. Cuma xbyk variety sgt..

Ni gambar nak tunjuk chopstick. Kalo x, xpercaya ktorg gi japanese restaurant hahaa.

Licin tuuu

I like this seaweed sgt sgt

Ni bukan beauty shot ye. saye dah beauty hahaha. ok. baling botol skang :P

Dorayaki kegemaran doraemon and moishi (betul ke) kegemaran kucingsiber hehee. memang sedap!!!

Masa makan ni teringat kat tirah. Owh i rindu u sangat2. Makan2 trip. Mekap trip. Pls pindah KL cpt2. adilah mohd pudzy juge haha.

Ni la klimaks of the nite. udang tempura. sedap gileeeee tapi mase tu pon da kenyang gileeee

Ni teko kicap ye. Jgn konpius ingatkan tu teh. OK. tak kelaka

Aiskrim. Eh aiskrim pon nak jakun ke? mmg jakun pon. ice cream green tea la paling best!!

Mungkin ni tanda memerlukan kamera baru hehee

Kekenyangan yg amat. Maka perlu sembunyi perut. I know, tudung convo. Suke tudung tu sangat2. First time beli tudung mahal sikit. Kalo tak beli tudung rm10 je. So memang jakun. huk3.

I was treated like a princess even it was my treat! hehee :)

Overall: sgt satisfied. coz layanan pon best.Mase call nak wat reservation pon ok. Makanan best just xbyk variety sgt. Pakwe best ( eh eh). So dat nite was a blast! :)
Eh lupe...thanks Shell for the SRA! hehee

P.S: Tgh carik buffet dinner yg best utk one family. Boleh recommend x? Restaurant or hotel.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

3 months..and counting

Gambar latest kot. Still tembam hahaa


Genap 3 bulan bersama Shell.

I give myself just 3 months to assimilate in Shell.

After 3 months, I don't want to consider myself as new hire anymore. hehe.
3 bulan.

Terasa macam dah setahun kat sini.

Alhamdulillah. I love my job here. Ramai cakap mmg sesuai dgn cik orkid. haha.

Seronok sgt kat shell coz its not just about work. But it also really encourage u to participate in extra curricular activities as well.

Nama minah event or nama kasar gila event, of coz la saya suka kan. Bab2 organize event, planning sume. So I'm happy here. Happy coz doing something that I like. Dont u think u can do what u like the most the best?

If you are a sport person pon sgt best. Byk outdoor activities yg dibuat weekly, monthly and macam2. Of cozla cik orkid tak masuk kan. haha.

My very first deliverable is conference. I was assigned to be a lead coordinator with one of my colleague.
Masa tu masih onboarding and blur2. But i took the challenge (mungkin terpaksa, dipaksa, mempaksakan diri hehe)

Its hard to adapt with people that has different style of working with u. N when u are new, its very hard to be open and communicate. So just suck it up la haha.

Putting together 3 day conference is a large task. Esp when u deal with different stakeholders, different position. Being in my position of course it makes things more harder. Ya laaa paham pon tak lagi tibe2 kene organize something. hoho.

Tapi layaannnn je la kan. My team is very new. It's a part of grow east strategy where shell is now focusing on growing the east talent. yurp. we are expanding here in malaysia. so good news, a lot of job opportunities!
Lead the teambuilding. Mmg sgt crucial utk develop high performance team. Diberi kepercayaan utk plan sendiri modules. A lot of modules! And need to be connected with shell core values too.
Alhamdulillah, experience dari sekolah sampai universiti mmg sgt byk membantu. Remember adik2, masuk event bukan sekadar nak collect sijil je taw. Sakgi diorg put u on test baru terkebil2 nak buat. Yela, dulu harap je pegang jawatan besar2 tapi meeting pun x nampak muka (haha. sila terasa siapa yg patut terasa skang)

Yurp. Handling something in profession world is very different. Depending on the organization. But with some exposure, it will help u a lot. Kat sini, cik orkid la PM, cik orkidla secretary, dept activities, deptfaci, dept protocol etc. ahahha. cabaran2
Ni la kira event pertama yg cik orkid participate. Kalo ikotkan cik orkid la semut kat situ. Paling muda, paling baru, paling rendah jwtan, paling blur hahaha.

Tempat: Hilton Hotel Level 7 (Tempat sgt eksklusif)

So enjoy some of the pics (random):

Gambar saye mmg byk sgt terbeliak mata. huuu~

This is my project team. And sekarang makin makin makin bertambah.

Received recognition cert from Trish, one of leadership team. Hepi :)

Makan yg sgt best sepanjang 3 hari program.

Salah satu game. Nasibla bagi keje ni kat budak2. Memang kena buli la. Terbalik, menari, segala mende buat. Nasib2. ahahha

This is my global program delivery manager. Came all the way from Houston. I like him a lot!! Im wondering why people from leadership are very energetic and can inspire ppl. He gave me a lot of tips, and also a lot of work! ahahhaa. Beacuse of him, I received smthng that is very very meaningful to me :)

Cik orkid buat gile mase ni. Tibe2 wat surprise party masa tgh karaoke. hahaa.

Penat as coordinator tapi kena main bowling yg last time main dgn Paan 4 tahun lepas. hahaa.
Key take away:
1. If dapat ape2 keje yg u think mmg impossible, or u not deserve to do it, just pikir maybe ni la golden opprtunity for u to shine and most importantly to learn.
2. Cik orkid pun selalu ada masalah insecure, takot dgn feedback, tapi perlahan2 cik orkid ubah perception, kita muda and baru. Its time to learn. Feedback is very good to improve ourselves
3. The biggest challenge in doing something is u. I always have this prob. Ppl trust u to do smthng and they know u can do it. But I always underestimate myself. I think most of us too. So why u must underestimate yourself when u can do wonders? :) Stretch urself!
1. Still involve in organizing few events (i think this is the fastest track to be visible, network and learn)
2. Involve in KM projects (tak yakin2. adui.)
So how about u? Do u like your job? Can u give me tips on how to get up everyday to work with full spirit? hahaha.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Note to Myself

I love searching something that can boost my mood.

I mean any motivational quote.

Found this when I was stuck in my project.

Allah has given me and us a lot of things. We MUST be very grateful. Very. Sometimes I am sooo afraid if one day He test me with very hard challenges that can make lose my faith. Pray hard. pray hard. Have faith in Him.

Hopefully my success by far not make me an ungrateful person.

Ameen :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Never Ending Job

Any Great success will come with great expectation

Just to include some of my Global Project Delivery Manager.

"........................................Let me know when you are ready to show your EXCELLENT work around KM to Keith/Pat and the rest of the team. Hopefully by mid-Nov would be great, even if just draft format, so that you can get early feedback."

Yurp...rule of thumb. If you want to deliver through your ppl (esp for boss level), recognise your subordinates, motivate them and they will deliver more and more.

Yes. I will try my best. But really afraid if my deliverables is not meeting expectation.

Mood: Takut. Nama yg dia sebut sume general manager. N all of them da taw about my "award".

Dear Bosses (byk taw boss)
Pls give me any overseas assignment. yes, u have given me one. But I want to be relocated. My ideal location - UK, Houston, Australia.

Cewah. Hopefully dapat. 1 year pon xpe. Amin :)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lesson Learnt

Ni post mortem dari convo. Kira nak bagi lesson learnt utk kawan2 yg bakal convo next year :)

1. Kalo dah stat keje and cuti tak byk, better amik cuti on Monday, if convo ari ahad.
2. Jubah sume mintak tlg kwn/junior kat UTP amekkan. Amek awal2 utk elak dpt size besar. Xpayah nak berkejar2 gi utp awal2 :)
3. Tak payah gi raptai pon xpe hehe
4. Tido bilik kawan. best! nanti famili dtg, spend masa dgn diorg
5. Tudung pastikan extra lawa
6. Tak salah kuarkan duit sikit utk mekap :)
7. Plan amek gmbar dgn kwn2 early
8. Amek cuti isnin utk pulang robe, amek sijil, etc
9. Xpyh amek gmbr studio kt dlm, gi kat tmn maju. Lebih murah. Tapi stage photo terpaksala.
10. Sediakan tisu dgn sgt byk + safety pin earlier
11. Sediakan PA/runner hehe
12. Kalo nak jumpa dgn kwn2 yg masih kat UTP n plan nk belanja, plan tol2. Jgn jadi mcm saye. Nyesal2 hehe
13. Book hotel awal2. Sebulan 2 sebelum tu pon xpe.
14. Simpan duit and plan nak beli ape nnt. sgt penting!
15. Pakai baju yg material sejuk n ringan, kaler cerah
16. Tudung pastikan bila pakai topi xkelepet and kaler tudung cerah, jgn too dark, tak nmpak cantik dlm gmbr coz topi da gelap

Hopefully ni membantu :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sekitar Hari Convo

Entri bukan sahaja basi, malahan dah berulat kot haha
Tapi disebabkan convocation marks a new calendar for me, i should blog abt this memorable day as well. hehe.
Sangat seronok sebab famili datang..

Seronok dapat menyatukan 2 famili. Cewah2.
Puas dapat sponsor accomodation & dinner utk family hahaa. mesti kwn2 cik orkid phm perasaan tu kan?

Inilah kawan/musuh/kawan gaduh/kawan nangis/kawan ketawa cik orkid. hehe. Thanks Wan coz banyak sanggaaatttt tolong. Tolong amek gambar, tolong pegang barang, tolong drive, tolong siap2kan, tolong sumela. Takde Wan xtaw la jadi ape hehe. Sayaannnngggg Wann!!!

Ni after convo..thanks a lot mama ayah. Perasaan masa tu blur and kosong. Nampak ada parents peluk la nangis la. Cik Orkid macam batu xde perasaan. Ntah nanti dah nikah pon takde perasaan kot. huhu

Eh..eh..ni parents sape plak? haha. Agak menakutkan bila 2 famili baik dan berjumpa. Takuutttt!! Xnak kawen lagiiii hahahaha

Hari konvo sudah semestinya dikongsi dgn ibu bapa masing2. Tanpa mereka siapalah kita kan? Sangat bersyukur mama dapat berjalan dgn normal dan bertenaga hari tu.

Agak2 hantar gambar yang bersepah2 ni jadi model tudung Fareeda lepas x? hehee

I dont know whether he is my destiny..but I want him to be beside me now and forever..
I hope..

We stayed at Suite Clearwater Batu Gajah. Sangat cantik! Berbaloi2. Mula2 ingat lagi ramai datang.

Dah book 2 suite tapi ramai yg tetibe ada masalah. Tapi call dan ucapan selamat pun dah cukup bagi cik orkid :)

Scenery yg sangat cantik.

Kalo gi mane2 hotel tipula x posing kat katil. Kan? Kan? hehe

Bilik sangat besar, living room, dining room, toilet luas dgn jacuzi. Open air ok. Nasibla... ada sape2 skodeng mase tu. hahaa.

Highly recommended dgn free breakfast and boleh wat macam2 aktiviti dgn percuma. Seperti main golf, cycling, tennis, bird watching, fishing, archery, eh mcm2 laaa. Sume free sbb stay situ.

Yes..he is my boyfren. haha. Thanks B coz being with me throughout the years in UTP. Accompanied me through thicks and thin. Stadi same2. I know Im not the best for you. Tapi pura2 la i ni the best k? hehe.

End of university life. Now Im moving up to my career ladder. Everyday is a new day for me. I love my job. InsyaAllah I will share about my roles in Shell as per requested by many of my fans (sile baling botol sekarang)
Alhamdulillah ya Allah..