Gambar latest kot. Still tembam hahaa
Genap 3 bulan bersama Shell.
I give myself just 3 months to assimilate in Shell.
After 3 months, I don't want to consider myself as new hire anymore. hehe.
3 bulan.
Terasa macam dah setahun kat sini.
Alhamdulillah. I love my job here. Ramai cakap mmg sesuai dgn cik orkid. haha.
Seronok sgt kat shell coz its not just about work. But it also really encourage u to participate in extra curricular activities as well.
Nama minah event or nama kasar gila event, of coz la saya suka kan. Bab2 organize event, planning sume. So I'm happy here. Happy coz doing something that I like. Dont u think u can do what u like the most the best?
If you are a sport person pon sgt best. Byk outdoor activities yg dibuat weekly, monthly and macam2. Of cozla cik orkid tak masuk kan. haha.
My very first deliverable is conference. I was assigned to be a lead coordinator with one of my colleague.
Masa tu masih onboarding and blur2. But i took the challenge (mungkin terpaksa, dipaksa, mempaksakan diri hehe)
Its hard to adapt with people that has different style of working with u. N when u are new, its very hard to be open and communicate. So just suck it up la haha.
Putting together 3 day conference is a large task. Esp when u deal with different stakeholders, different position. Being in my position of course it makes things more harder. Ya laaa paham pon tak lagi tibe2 kene organize something. hoho.
Tapi layaannnn je la kan. My team is very new. It's a part of grow east strategy where shell is now focusing on growing the east talent. yurp. we are expanding here in malaysia. so good news, a lot of job opportunities!
Lead the teambuilding. Mmg sgt crucial utk develop high performance team. Diberi kepercayaan utk plan sendiri modules. A lot of modules! And need to be connected with shell core values too.
Alhamdulillah, experience dari sekolah sampai universiti mmg sgt byk membantu. Remember adik2, masuk event bukan sekadar nak collect sijil je taw. Sakgi diorg put u on test baru terkebil2 nak buat. Yela, dulu harap je pegang jawatan besar2 tapi meeting pun x nampak muka (haha. sila terasa siapa yg patut terasa skang)
Yurp. Handling something in profession world is very different. Depending on the organization. But with some exposure, it will help u a lot. Kat sini, cik orkid la PM, cik orkidla secretary, dept activities, deptfaci, dept protocol etc. ahahha. cabaran2
Ni la kira event pertama yg cik orkid participate. Kalo ikotkan cik orkid la semut kat situ. Paling muda, paling baru, paling rendah jwtan, paling blur hahaha.
Tempat: Hilton Hotel Level 7 (Tempat sgt eksklusif)
So enjoy some of the pics (random):

Received recognition cert from Trish, one of leadership team. Hepi :)
Makan yg sgt best sepanjang 3 hari program.
Salah satu game. Nasibla bagi keje ni kat budak2. Memang kena buli la. Terbalik, menari, segala mende buat. Nasib2. ahahha

This is my global program delivery manager. Came all the way from Houston. I like him a lot!! Im wondering why people from leadership are very energetic and can inspire ppl. He gave me a lot of tips, and also a lot of work! ahahhaa. Beacuse of him, I received smthng that is very very meaningful to me :)
Cik orkid buat gile mase ni. Tibe2 wat surprise party masa tgh karaoke. hahaa.
Key take away:
1. If dapat ape2 keje yg u think mmg impossible, or u not deserve to do it, just pikir maybe ni la golden opprtunity for u to shine and most importantly to learn.
2. Cik orkid pun selalu ada masalah insecure, takot dgn feedback, tapi perlahan2 cik orkid ubah perception, kita muda and baru. Its time to learn. Feedback is very good to improve ourselves
3. The biggest challenge in doing something is u. I always have this prob. Ppl trust u to do smthng and they know u can do it. But I always underestimate myself. I think most of us too. So why u must underestimate yourself when u can do wonders? :) Stretch urself!
1. Still involve in organizing few events (i think this is the fastest track to be visible, network and learn)
2. Involve in KM projects (tak yakin2. adui.)
So how about u? Do u like your job? Can u give me tips on how to get up everyday to work with full spirit? hahaha.
this is somehow inspires me :) thanx, and good luck!
hahaha!mah, aku pun ade prob gak. ade event accenture kene contribute and participate. tapi due to workload yg melampau. nak active pun agak terhad plus tak sampai hati. rugi kalau x participate kan. tapi tuh la, nak tunjuk terrer kang sekali xdpt manage.hambek ko.takut jugak. mcm mane ek nak handle.
anyway, aku kalau bab nak buat keje full of spirit aku senang je. aku buat sehabis baik plus nak beat org lain nye performance.hahah! tapi seyes weyh, kalau before ko pegi keje. ko niat nak belaja. CONFIRM hari tuh ko banyak belajar benda in term of criticism, kene betol kan balik ape ko buat, kantoi wat keje salah.hahaha malu jugak tapi LEARN FROM UR MISTAKE kan?
anyway beb.guudlakk dear :)
rahmaaah~~ u r doing so well! tapi nk tanya.. ape position u ye?
aeda: glad to hear dat :)
peah: oyeah! cara ko membantu! hahaa. aku pon ade perasaan tu gak. tp aku ltk je diri aku as baru and muda. so byk kene blaja. one thing aku blaja mase keje, output tu mmg pnting tp bile u show ur positive attitude n effort, tu da cukup bagus. so again, jgn tkot wat mistake. tp kene be mindful gak la :)
mizah: my role is business analyst. yg ni task tambahan sbb team baru form. but currently my position is program coordinator :)
You're doing great Kak Long! :)
good luck!
Loveeelyy.. I hv my shell interview hr selasa depan.. phone interview baru.. dia ckp for IT. IT tu besar kan, ape maksudnya ngan IT. waaaah. tanak la programming ke apee..
mizah...xde programming. dun wori. coz keje2 programming shell outsource :)
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