This is for my celebration. What celebration? Rahsia. hahaa. So I invited one of the most important person in my life. Nanti bila my family turun insyaAllah, i'll do the same thing, tapi bukan kat sini la.
Meja sebelah org jepun. Kami pegang chopstick pon terkial2. layannn~~~
So ni la some of the foods we had.
Licin tuuu
Ni bukan beauty shot ye. saye dah beauty hahaha. ok. baling botol skang :P
Dorayaki kegemaran doraemon and moishi (betul ke) kegemaran kucingsiber hehee. memang sedap!!!
Masa makan ni teringat kat tirah. Owh i rindu u sangat2. Makan2 trip. Mekap trip. Pls pindah KL cpt2. adilah mohd pudzy juge haha.
Ni la klimaks of the nite. udang tempura. sedap gileeeee tapi mase tu pon da kenyang gileeee
Mungkin ni tanda memerlukan kamera baru hehee
Kekenyangan yg amat. Maka perlu sembunyi perut. I know, tudung convo. Suke tudung tu sangat2. First time beli tudung mahal sikit. Kalo tak beli tudung rm10 je. So memang jakun. huk3.
I was treated like a princess even it was my treat! hehee :)
Overall: sgt satisfied. coz layanan pon best.Mase call nak wat reservation pon ok. Makanan best just xbyk variety sgt. Pakwe best ( eh eh). So dat nite was a blast! :)
Eh lupe...thanks Shell for the SRA! hehee
P.S: Tgh carik buffet dinner yg best utk one family. Boleh recommend x? Restaurant or hotel.
Kak long. try Coca kat subang parade :)
tirah mane tu? kang x pasal2 tirah ni prasan.. :p
aku jelessssssssssssssssssssssssssss
wah!mesti mahal nihhhh :P
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