ahahhaa. Why?
Sebab they are the people who I love the most and they will make my events meaningful. Serius, even how great your wedding is, memang takkan lengkap without friends kan? :D
Sangat lama pikir pasal siapalahhh yang akan jadi bridesmaid. Kalau ikutkan ada 15 orang kot list yang finalized. Tapi bajet memang xcukup, so cut cut cut jadi 5 je. Siapa 5 orang tu? Jeng jeng jeng. Yang penting they are very close to my heart.
I nak treat my bridesmaid baik2..sebab mereka akan datang all the way to JB, terpaksa tolong me if ada last minutes kerja, diorang maybe akan amek cuti lagi, akan layan my nervous, etc.
1. I'm gonna buy them dress. Rasanya bagi je yang ready made. Up to them to alter ke apa.
2. I'm gonna hire MUA - ni depends on bajet. My pengapit memang confirm, tapi yang another 4 depends kat bajet
Kerja mereka
1. Meriahkan majlis
2. Amek gambar, im gonna take outdoor photog with them! or project pre wed video n photoshoot (tp sume dok jauh jauh how howwww)
3. Bachelorette party!! ahahha
Anyway, ni inspiration untuk bagi "official invitation" to them. Menarik kan? I wish I have creative hands. InsyaAllah i will do something :D

P/S: Tunggu invitation ye heehhe.
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