Alhamdulillah... my official first customer sgt berpuas hati with my hasil kerja hehe. Sebelum ni i buat untuk my own engagement and untuk my besfren.
Ni testimoni dari dia:
1st email:
"Hye there.
I didnt say enuff thank you for the candy buffet that day. It was such a hit and I think the children loved it!
Thank you so much for being part of my event. Hopefully we get the chance to work together again in the future.
Thank you again and hopefully u will have a prosperous business prospect in future. Dont worry. I would definitely recommend you :)"
I didnt say enuff thank you for the candy buffet that day. It was such a hit and I think the children loved it!
Thank you so much for being part of my event. Hopefully we get the chance to work together again in the future.
Thank you again and hopefully u will have a prosperous business prospect in future. Dont worry. I would definitely recommend you :)"

2nd email:
hey.. thank you so much. I think after this your business would be selling like hot cakes :) I think they will definitely give you a call and you can definitely cater them. I wish and pray that you will also have a blast wedding reception in future and I will definitely call you back for the next event. p/s: im super happy with the candy buffet and I dont think that I would want to change a bit! :) Take care ya and happy candy buffet :)

Seronok sangat melayan karenah budak2 dan mak ayah budak kat candy booth. Paling best bila orang datang and puji our setup. Alhamdulillah. Dapat customer mcm Fazleen, memang sangat di luar jangkaan. Sangat senang kerja dengan dia. Not fussy, and sangat sporting. Thanks sangat2 for the trust :)
BTW, she took package C for 150-300pax. Email me for quotation and enquiries ya at
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