Went back to settle a lot of things..
Since I did not do anything in October, except for the dress, I was quite rushed a bit.
Tapi alhamdulillah, i really love managing this. Belum stress lagi. My "project plan" sgt2 membantu. Maybe sbb kerja project management type of work, so semua plan pon macam nak manage project. My family and frens tgk pon terkejut. Template je gempak.
Tapi seriously sangat membantu especially bagi org yg sgt organized n time limited like me.
Anyway, will share with you in the next entry insyaAllah.
Tentang hantaran trays and deco, memang initially nak amek kat KK Homedeco je. Ada satu kat kajang. Tapi decided beli semua kat JB je.
KK ada sale ok!!! Sampai end of this month. Banyak gila items yg best. Seriously I went crazy there and bought unnecesary things hahaa. It is just my kind of shop.
OK. Untuk B2B yang masih mencarik2 tray yang cantik n murah, KK buat diskaun until 30% untuk dulang n artificial flower, buy 1 free 1.
BEST OF ALL, KK ada diorang punya decorator for free of charge!!! Bayangkan u banyak gila save kat situ ok. I surveyed if guna artificial, paling murah rm35 per dulang ok. If beli kat KK memang sgt save.

I am sux of choosing flower. I am sux at doing DIY je. I'm just good at imagining only. hahaa.
I want it to be simple so I told mama "Ala, letak 2 3 bunga je kat tepi dulang, siap"
My mom replied "Tak seni langsung"
Ok fine. Semua bunga yg I pilih semua kena reject. Muahaha.
Layan je la~ so my mom nak suruh kawan dia yang pernah decorate hantaran dia 25thun lalu untuk tlg deco. Me? Doa je la~~ expect jadi hantaran2 ala2 tahun 80an haahaha. Sebab KK kat JB ni xde hantaran decorator, Cetttt..
So mmg tis is a good investment sbb i am the first child n boleh diwariskan kpd adik n sedara.
Bunga + lilin (im a sucker of fragrance) + 7 dulang for rm170 ONLY.
Kalau compare rm35x7~~~ banyak saving. Alhamdulillah.
P/S: My mom pon went crazy kat KK ni. She will buy flowers here as well.
hahahaha! same la mcm aku. memang tangan takde seni pown. hantar org gubah je~ mmg harapan la nak DIY kan~
gudlak beb. aku dh borong kat nilai dah harituh. laju mcm air duit aku mengalir~
Klakarlah bace post ni. Hee ;)
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