Orkid Says:

You can start anywhere and do anything with a good attitude and willingness to learn

Friday, November 13, 2009

Mari belajar BCL!

Mari belajar BCL!

Kami telah membuat formula untuk menyenangkan kami memahamkan case.

Mari dengar


Ini apply masa zaman bercinta mak bapak kita ye. Tiada emel jauh sekali sms.
Bido ada hati dekat Peah.

Satu hari Bido ingin menyatakan hasratnya kepada Peah.
Suratnya berbunyi

“Peah adindaku, kanda mahu meminangmu..Sudikah adinda? Jika sudi kanda ingin menghantar rombongan”

Maka bido pun berpusu-pusu lah ke post opis. Dan menghantar surat itu.

Peah terima. Dengan penuh gembiranya dia menghantar letter of acceptance kepada Bido

“Adinda terima”

Di saat peah meletakkan surat ke dalam mail box (latar bunyi “kelepuk”) , satu section applies


s.4(2) (a) communication of acceptance is complete as against the proposer when it is put in a course of transmission to him so as to be out of the power of the acceptor

Maka, mengikut law, Bido dah bound kepada Peah.

Tetapi bagi pihak bido, this section applies

S.4(2)(b) communication of an acceptance is complete as against the acceptor when it comes to the knowledge of the proposer

Jadi di saat Bido membuka surat itu, Peah dah bound kepada bido.

This Rule also known as Postal Rule (i.e acceptance by letter)
Held: Acceptance is complete upon posting

Jadi, if Peah dah hantar surat, Bido tak terima, dan dia pegi pinang gadis lain pulak..pastu baru terima surat peah, maka peah bolehlah sue bido.

Sebab tu dlm law, dia emphasis kena reply dlm reasonable time manner or lagi safe state masa untuk reply
Ikut seksyen

S.6(b) - Acceptance must be made within a reasonable time

Situasi lain

Masih di situasi bido dan peah

Peah tiba2 tak jadi dgn keputusannya. Tapi dia dah pos

So how???

S.5(1) proposal may be revoked at any time before the communication of its acceptance is complete as against the proposer but not afterwards

Menurut law di atas Peah kena cancel acceptance dia before surat tu reach dia.
Maka, peah kena lah guna pos laju utk hantar revocation letter atau lari kat bido dan rampas surat tu before dia baca. Hehe. Drama melayu tol :P

Tapi macam mana pulak if Bido berubah hati?

S.5(2) acceptance may be revoked at any time before the communication of the acceptance is complete as against the acceptor, but not afterwards.

Heeheee. Selamat berjuang semua.

Doakan kami. Adehhh BCL akan menarik CGPA ku~~ mungkin cipta sejarah la sem neh.
Takpe, usaha dulu ye :)

P/S: OK. Aku mmg xde mood stadi tanpa B di sisi :(

1 comment:

ZeTtY said...

menarik sungguh care belajar bcl ni
mungkin bleyh apply utk hafal sbe nnt