Especially to...
Dyla - my ex-rumate
Sur - ketawa yg xhengat diee...
Jue - kesengalan nyer~ klaka la die~
Saf - gonna miss 3 kali tukar bju utk g keje :P
Tirah - gonna miss "Comel!!!"
Thanks taw for your kindness and warm welcome. Hahaha.
Ok2…their house in Wangsa Maju is my most fav spot.haha. Seriously I enjoyed my time there. Even my job in KLCC was very2 tiring. But I reli enjoy my time.
Wish to be there again.
Will miss those laughs..
Owh.. and thanks for being a regular customer of Orkid Bee shop. Haha.
My apology if I did any mistakes..or any jokes that hurt u..
Thanks taw for your kindness and warm welcome. Hahaha.
Ok2…their house in Wangsa Maju is my most fav spot.haha. Seriously I enjoyed my time there. Even my job in KLCC was very2 tiring. But I reli enjoy my time.
Wish to be there again.
Will miss those laughs..
Owh.. and thanks for being a regular customer of Orkid Bee shop. Haha.
My apology if I did any mistakes..or any jokes that hurt u..
Owh..will miss the "lectures" from Dr. Dyla. hahahahaa
Karaoke with Miss Tira
G lrt wif Saf
Camwhoring wif saf
Mkn2 wif u gals...
n tgk tv yg kabur. haha!
Hurt u gals!! Hugs!
P/S: Will meet up the girls again for Tenji eating spree and makeover by Maybelline n Loreal again. Whee~
Hurt u gals!! Hugs!
P/S: Will meet up the girls again for Tenji eating spree and makeover by Maybelline n Loreal again. Whee~
owh...luper..brg2 yg aku pnjam jumaat ni aku plngkan ye! thanks!
tak nk credit ke saper yg hantar n ambik?? hehe :D nk jugak tuh..hehe :D
yes b. thanks taw...anta i amek i smpi dpn pntu diorg. haha. n plg tak lupe u sggup ptah blik amek laptop i yg ttinggal kt umah. thanks sgt2
hahaah..tq2..its ok..anything for u..
kejadian di tangga?? how bout it? so how?? hahahh :D
ak xbyr duit shawl lg~~~
ojan: amboi2. xleh2. xde2. i dah lupe :P
sur: pas kat diorg dear. mlm ni ktorg g mkn tenji. nway ade stok bru. sgt cantik!! aku bg hrga murah kt korang :P
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