Orkid Says:

You can start anywhere and do anything with a good attitude and willingness to learn

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pengalaman Miscarriage 1

Hi semua..
Review kahwin terhenti sebentar.
I feel I need to write this. Sebab its one of my important event in life too.
An event that changed my perspective of me..and world and everything.

It started on Friday, 11th Jan. Tiba2 bleeding. Terus cuak. Menangis gila2. Bleeding fresh blood. Call semua org xdpt. My hubby tgh main hoki..my mom n dad ntah ke mane ntah.

Cuak tak tawu nak buat apa. Whatsapp my reference, Nisah. Sambil baring sambil google. Kebanyakan memang cakap its an early sign of miscarriage. Tapi ada jugak implamantation blood. I was hoping for the latter ones.

Actually dah mimpi buruk berturut2 few days before bleeding. Memang mimpi yang sama. Bleeding. Menangis2 dan tak tahu buat apa. Bangun pagi2 menangis peluk hubby.

Terus ke hospital pakar annur. Doc scan. Janin was ok. I was quite happy sebab ada progress from my last scan. I was happy and worried at the same time. She referred me to see pakar the next day. Dia bagi duphaston utk kuatkan rahim.

The next day...both of us bangun lambat. Too many things happened last night. Pukul 11 baru pegi jumpa doc...then pick up my sis kat KLIA. So both of us sangat penat. Turned out Annur O&G full and x terima my case even ada referral letter. serius i was so sad. so so sad. Then call lagi hospital lain end up semua pun full. OK. Masa ni i lose myself and menangis gila2 n marah2 my hubby. Kesian dia :(

At last dapat jugak appointment dengan O&G kat KPMC. Dengan Dr. Mimi. She scanned...and I was very happy sebab nampak denyutan jantung baby. Kelap kelip dalam tu. Feel like crying again. It was a good news...tapi bleeding doesn't stop.

Doc pesan jangan buat kerja berat2 n bagi ubat batuk coz i batuk quite bad. So maybe its one of the cause jugak.

Then the next day I continue kerja. I got 2 days workshop kat Le Meridien n i have to present. So i thought I cannot miss this. One thing about me..i will feel very energetic n lupa semua when at work. I was so happy and tak rasa sakit pun. The bleeding still continue...mcm org period tu.

Isnin tu..i dont know.. i feel very sad. I feel something bad is going to happen. Masa hubby tgh tido i was talking to my baby...ntah...its like saying goodbye jugak n ask him to fight for us. Sampai harini i really feel to la last time his heartbeat...

Selasa..we went to Annur O&G to see Dr. Khamsiah. Dia scan.. it was not a good news. Janin memang ada but we cant see the heartbeat. I know dia dah tak ada. I feel empty. But she was very supportive. Maybe sebab masih kecik. So Dr. Kham ask for blood test utk compare HCG. If in 2 days HCG tak naik or makin turun..its confirmed miscarriage...

Penantian dari hari Selasa ke Jumaat tu sangat lama. I know dia dah xde but we keep praying. We hope for miracle to happen. Every night hubby bagi kaunseling...kami sama2 prepare ourself for any news..whether its bad or good..its going to be the best for us.

To be continued...


anariffin said...

huhu...nape rase sebak je..papepun..u take care ye dear...

Cik Puan Tqah said...

sbr ea dear.. pasni ble usaha lagi..pasni make sure u xstress n xwat keje berat keyy