hey gurlfrends!! silap..laki kna ade gak! hey guys!! (nnti dionerg kata aku nie ape plak..heheh :D )
haa..dah lamer tak post entry..hehe..since skrng nie aku perasan ramai jer kawan2 aku nie yg gila nk shopping..tp..duit allowance tak masuk lagi.. P******S pon tak bg lgi duit intern! siut tol..but..aku taw konrg smua dah pening dah..tak taw nk g shop kat mane..yg konrg taw..klcc lar..the garden lar..pavillion lar.. semua tak nk kalah..(pdahal dlm hati konrg msti ckp "ko ingt bapak aku cop duit!! aku mlas lar nk wat confession of shopholic!" *tba2..hehe )
so..selaku the couple of the year
(sorrylar tba2 puji diri sndri..since dah lame tak de onrg nk puji kiontrg..hehe :D )
Kiontg nk annnouce yg kiontg akan start balik nk jdi kaya raye..kiontg nie bukan mata duitan..tp saje jer as hobby (pdahl kiontg nie tak nk kalah dgn Datin Cik Nita :D )
So..kiontg diz tyme bukan setakat jual Perfume jer..ade lgi product line..bak kata Mr. Abu Bakar..lines of product..so we decide to expand the line of product..so..what he have???
owh b4 dat..nie just nk let u know jer..just nk promote kat konrg..the details about the products..we will explain smpi lubang cacing kat our official blogspot..have a visit k..

Psal details about this eumora..again tgk kat blog satu lgi jer..nie just nk tnjuk gmbar sajer..tp..konrg mmg tak rugi..bukti telak terbukti!~ (erk..btol ke ayat aku nie??)

tak caye?? cuba try..nk try for free pon bleh..tp kna bli after dat! eheh :D
(Sorry yer akak..mcm buat salah plak dioenrgh nie~ hehe :D)
Next item, is TUDUNG

tudung nie bukan dri Parkson ok! Metrojaya ke..jln Masjid jamek ke..mahupun MYDIN!!

Avril dah..konrg tak nk bli kew?? :D

Kitonrg tak tipu..Oprah bli dng kitorng! harga satu tak smpi 10 hinggit pon..tp..kiontg jual 10k! haha :D
dah kalo ade tudung..motiflar kalo pompuan2 nie pkai sleeveless kan..mmg nk kna tmbak lar kan dgn M-16..so kami juge ade jual JUBAH..

saper kata kalo pkai jubah tak leh nk pose maut? :D
Dah hbis dgn fesyen..now.kechantikan n kesihatan product plak..so..next is..

saper rase die ade bnyk belly fat tuh, korah tak yah rso..tak yah nak diet ke..pegi gym ke..nk g jog ker..korng sapu jer bndalah nie!! tgk2 esok dah kunrg dah..SERIUS!!


Tp..konrg jgn lar melantak mkn jer!! suka hati konrg kan.. mkn J.Co b4 tdo..itu konrg tanggung sendiri okay! hehe :D
haa..selain tuh jugak..kalo ckp psal dah nk kurus segala nie kan..haruslar konrg kna licinkan kulit..so..kiontg pon ade product scrub..nie tak kire laki ker pompuan...smeua boleh guna..

nnti nk tgk gmbar and details kat official blog k..murah jer!

haa..yg nie mcm biase..EGYPTION POTION..
Dua gmbar nie act the company comes with another two products..so..saper2 yg fanatic dgn artis tuh, mmg sgt seswai bli yg nie..konrg minat saper? J.LO? David Becham? Usher? Merry Curry? saper lgi? ckp jer..smua ade..tp..these 2 set..harge die RM 45..tp..kalo sper yg pnah bli dg kiontg b4 diz..bleh lar dpt harge kurng sket..nnti kiter tong2 harge k..
*dah2..pnat aku mengupload gmbar semua nie..aku nk pgi wat keje plak..hehe..*
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