Orkid Says:

You can start anywhere and do anything with a good attitude and willingness to learn

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ujian dan hikmah

I think most of ppl know..i lost my precious angel on last january. That is one of the most devastated moment i ever had in my life.

I came out strong. At times i was weak.

Alhamdulillah Allah gave me another chance. I am afraid all the time. I had nightmares..smtms i cannot sleep at night. I check myself almost every 15mins.. Plus my pregnancy tis time is not that easy. I had bleeding again around 8weeks. I cried shamelessly in front of ppl. My hubby always there for me. Its not easy for him, i know. Also, every week I need to get injection from clinic to increase my hormone..also scan for every 2 weeks. I never feel burdened by that as I can see progress of my baby from setitik dot until now jadi baby.

I had my miscarriage once. Tp ppl keep saying. Jg2...asek gugur je. Haiya...n ppl joke at me siap ckp nak bg anak dia kt ktorg..haih. Maybe diorg lupa we're jz married for couple of months. In fact im.pregnant twice in 5months!

I pray day n night. In my prayer i say to Allah i am willing to bear all the pains and i am willing to gv my life to make sure my baby is survived n healthy. I feel happy when i feel the pain, and when i'm not i will start worry..haha. God knows how patience my husband is.. Also my family n friend.. Friend who never fail to ask about me..n not bored to hear about my progress..Thank you dear :)

I never knew dat i will have this strong mom's instinct. I am truly grateful for the bad times as i became more appreciate n the bonding with my baby.
I became weak...not active...cant do loads of things..but everything jz felt so sweet. I am willing to gv anything n everything.
I know my journey is still long...uncertain. I am grateful that i am given this chance. Tq baby for being strong n make mama n daddy become stronger n love each other more n more.
Gambar ni masa 10weeks. Sgt xpercaya ada smthng in my womb. N at 12 weeks u already smile and waving to us. U are so active! Your grandparents pun x percaya when we told them, but when they saw the picture, they were touched. I do not have softcopy of that picture.will post later.

Alhamdulillah :-)


Muis Ismail said...

alhamdulillah rezeki
semoga dipermudahkan semuanya :)

Anonymous said...

subhanAllah.. semoga u kuat... banyak2 mintak doa dari Allah ya.. take care babe.. InsyaAllah everything's gonna be just fine :)

cik mah said...

Alhamdulillah..rezeki kan...cerita kita hmpir sama...

Alyn said...

Semoga kuat dear :) Insha Allah semoga Allah permudahkan urusan awak dan husband :)

Nursaila Norman said...

saila pun pernah gugur ms bln 8 haritu..diharapkan ada rezeki saila disember ni :) tahniah rahmah :)) jaga diri baik2..