My dear B turns 21 :)
I hv planned for his bday abt 1-2 month earlier.
Pre-celebration: Bg oreo cheesecake kat dia kt opis. Sweet x? hehe. Tp unfortunately, i sndiri pon xrase..haih2.. T.T

malam 26.06.09.
Bwk die ke Subak. The place is sooo romantic. I da reserved earlier. N mmg cantik la tmpt tu!

Makanan die sgt best. Hrga pon standard. Layanan tip top.
Mlm tu, dgn irama katak2. haha. n hembusan angin..we talked abt our future n talk deeply abt his feelings :) ye la. da masok 21 kan?
n mlm tu ayat plg x lupe... "U sgt cantik syg.." dgn renungan mdalam n bmakna. haih2. mmg ojan slalu puji. tp kali ni rase menusuk kalbu sgt. haha.
Dear...the best bf 4 me is he makes u alwez feel beautiful. kalo bf2 yg jenis asyk komen2 n perli2 tu mmg demotivated sgt2. (even i noe dat im not dat beautiful but yg penting is how u feel abt urself kan? haha)
tp kalo xcantik cmne? ade care utk tgur. seyes. tny ojan cmne. hehe. so to all bf..make ur gf feel beautiful n 4 sure tiap kali nk jmpe korang sure akn cantik2 :)
dah2. nx2. kate crite psl besday ojan.
mlm tu tak hbis lg. so den we both went to the curve.
brgn free tak boleh dilepaskan same skali! haha. so mlm tu i got two free tickets to watch Transformers. wah2~ criter die cmne? wow! hehe.
ha..also i gv him smthng...not expensive, but memorable. yg pling pnting, how u make the day memorable.
so tu je la utk mlm tu. act, i nak wat cupcakes for him. selain kek tu. tp disebabkan ada hal yg tibe2 dtg, so xsempat. brg2 sume msih lg ada. takpe, insyaAllah bile2 boleh wat :)
so besoknye.... hmm,,kami honestly xde duit. haha. so peluang yg ada tidak hrus dlepaskan.
peluang ape? berniaga
brg kami sgt byk lg. al-maklum, tibe2 organizer kenselkan event. rugi2.
so kami berjual beli kat sek abg ojan. Alhamdulillah. duit yg ade mampulah utk tmpung beberapa ari yg sengkek nih.
so mmg la bkak booth ni sgt2 pnt. kami pon tertido kat umah me. ha!! jgn wat wild assumption ok. haha. ojan tdo kt sofa. aku tido sesedap rasa kt katil yg besh :P
so i guess tu je la "celebration" kami.
tp act i hv planned smthng for us. SKYTREX! whee~~~

so pg2 we both dgn gigihnye g Bukit Cahaya aka Bukit Cerakah kt Shah Alam. We both mmg kalo bleh nk crik smthng yg xboring if kua dating. xnak la mkn, shopping, tgk wyg je. tol x?

so kami men la mcm2. wow!! mmg mncabar otot la. haha. besh!
tp ari msih pg even we finished our game. so we tot to spend our days there. byk sgt mnde mnarik dlm tu. but...sgt rmai org n bicycle da abes.
haih2. nak watpe nih?
call bobo. xdpt. call keane. dia pon xde idea.
so we alredi came to our ad hoc plan - BUKIT TINGGI!!
hehe. so here we come!!

dari bukit ke bukit. sgt seronok!
so itula celebration of luv kami.
ojan kata - our pre-honeymoon. hehe.
ape2 pon, enjoy la dgn bf masing2 k. hahaha. selagi leh enjoy. kang da gdoh xenjoy plak. :P
p/s: seyes xnak keje dah. nak cuti. nak balik umah!
waahhh...nk lagi 27062009 boleh tak??
heheh...nway..thank you soo much for the whole weekend..love u so much :)
sob sob...
i'll be dreaming to have a girl like this ojan...
frankly, i'm proud of u guys. even apa jua halangan melanda, u guys still holding on to each other...
moga berkekalan~ :D
ojan: glad u like it
mat pie: one day u'll find her ok? thanks for the compliment.
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