Orkid Says:

You can start anywhere and do anything with a good attitude and willingness to learn

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hypnobirthing Class by Nadine

Cant believe now I am at my 26weeks already. Dulu masa 4 bulan, sibuklah risau perut kempis..xnampak2 haha. tapi..now...perut membesar dgn jayanya. hahaha.

Ok..sebenarnya terlampau banyak nak update pasal my pregnancy progress ni. Seronok sangat melalui perkara baru. Everyday is a learning process.

Today nak update pasal hynobirthing.
I first heard about this masa my colleague cerita pasal ni. She shared me all the links and i terus jatuh cinta! Apa tu hypnobirthing? Hypnosis + birthing. So ala2 beranak under hipnosis. haha. All in all, it is all about technique to give birth safely, gently and comfortable.

What hypnobirthing is not? Hypnobirth bukan homebirth taw. Patutla ramai sangat yang mencebik or avoid conversation bila ckp i attend hypnobirth. No...actually its a technique yg u boleh apply kat mana2..kat rumah ke, hospital, csect ke.

hypnobirth ni basically to know how your body works, apa jenis interventions yg kat hospital, tlg kita utk buat informed decision

selalunya, dulu kita ada mindset yang proses melahirkan anak ni kita serah bulat2 kat doctor. padahal tu baby kita, kita yang push the baby..we were so ignorance. but in this time of technology, kita kene research everything we do, questions and make the best decisions. even kita plan the smallest thing kan? apentah lagi pasal beranakkkk. it is an important business!! hehe

"Just as a woman’s heart knows how and when to pump, her lungs to inhale, and her hand to pull back from fire, so she knows when and how to give birth. ~ Virginia Di Orio"

The one yang I attend is with Nadine. Both of us enjoy n look forward for the class. Ada macam2 module. Paling best sbb semua ni adalah ah-ha moment for us. Something we can apply. Paling penting ubah mindset and make us really excited about this pregnancy journey. Class setup is at her condo, selesa and max 5 couples only. Seronok sbb more to sharing session/videos/visualization. Even pasrah sbb hubby kdg2 snooze masa hypnosis. cehhh hahaha.

if berminat or nak tawu pasal this class, can go here: http://www.mygentlebeginnings.com/ 

Setiap kelas 2.5 hours, ada 5 kelas. untuk yang merancang nak preggy or tgh preggy i recommend u put aside duit siap2 sebab its quite an amount gak la hehe. but serius worth it.

owhhh one more pre-birth preparation class is AMANI. pun tentang gentle birthing jugak. it is more on islamic principles. I went the preview of AMANI class under Puan Hayati Muzaffar. I recommend her for AMANI class. https://www.facebook.com/AMANIMalaysia 
Apa beza AMANI and hypnobirth class? I think the aim sama, to get gentle birth just the different is the technique. I chose hypnobirth sbb i nak belajar more on "hypnosis" and use mind techniques..sbb i think leh apply to other areas. AMANI pun ada ajar2 some teknik as well, and the fee is a bit cheaper. 

ohhh lupa nak bgtawu...natural birth and gentle birth is different taw. natural birth is keluar thru our vaginal, but gentle birth is normal vaginal birth with no intervention, no epidural, no episotomi, no drug, no painkillers and mmg enjoy the birth (less or no pain at all or even orgasmic birthing) haha. sbb philosophy gentle birth ni..cmne u get the baby (make love) macam tu la if nak keluarkan baby hehe. i dont knowwwww...need to practice to achieve that hehe

by next month, my hubby and i will start practice relaxation and visualization. insyaAllah.

here, we also being taught of birth companion or doula. alaa...skrg kan hospital dah benarkan ada yang teman. so dlm kelas ni jugaklah diterangkan apa birth companion tu should do. birth companion/doula bukan bidan ok! dia adalah cheerleader, our papa bear, org yang paling tahu pasal apa kita nak and how to calm us. so for my case...my hubby will be my doula! hehe. 

sejak tawu pasal this one, i can say all the couples in this support system is very good, they introduced about a lot of good things,infant massage, babywearing, breastfeeding, nutrition, exercise, bykla! because how we handle our pregnancy and birthing sbnrnya is a hint how we will manage our lil ones and life :)

I am sooo blessed to be in very positive circle/support system. Sentiasa share pasal pregnancy, birthing, child education etc. I know this is really up to Allah's plan but i do believe He wants us to put best effort. My aim is not jz to have easy birth, but most importantly to welcome my baby to this harsh world. His entry shouldnt be harsh and my hubby and I want to create bonding with him. Do the best we could :) 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Saya sebagai husbank Cik Orkid nie mmg highly recommend to come to this class. Not just to learn about gentle birth, I learn whats are our role as partner. Whats are the RIGHT that we should KNOW & TAKE during the labor room tuh :)