Anyway...Congrats to Mus and Dayah. Lovely couple :) Peer pressure tak kawan2 yang sama2 couple masa kat UTP dulu? haahhaa.
Anyway, mcm kat blog Peah pon, ramai yg tanya bila nak kawen. Same goes to me. Sometimes I really like to answer that, sometimes i feel it very annoying. And believe it or not, even my parents never ask or mention a word about my marriage! They expect me to get married late, just like them :P
I love weddings. Always. I believe most of the girls too.
However I really dream of an intimate wedding. Just max about 300pax. Simple.
I really love to have wedding without "hantaran" or "pelamin" too.
Just dream...nak kena kejar dgn mama ayah? ahahaha. Relatives pulak pressing suruh buat fancy2. I know I cant be influenced by them (buat apa nak fulfill their unachieved dream..jahat tak). Heloooo my money ok! Hard money I earned from working days and night! haahhaa. Tapi of coz my parents ada high expectation :(
Can I just have a simple wedding?
But grand HONEYMOON??
p/s: anyway kwn2, im not planning to get married anytime soon, not this yr or nx yr. So jgn pressure2 k haahhaaa
I'm so agree! I prefer simple wedding reception but grand HONEYMOON! Haha.
aku ponnn.kawen lmbt lagiii..not this yr or next yr :)
but i dream of fairy tale nye wedding bole?yg mcm aku bak bidadari turun kayangan.pelamin nk lawa2.khemah org2 dtg takyh hias pon takpe.ok.kejamm :)
haha.. peer pressure ke? relakkk..
our turn will come to us soon or later. InsyaAllah.
Basir : wah..basir. mcm tak lame dah tuh.. hows eveything?
basir: yahhh!! give me 5!! hahaha
nita: ko harus meriah2. fairy tale cerita dongeng harus noxxx hahahaa dua2 keje korek minyak :P
b: bukan2. i tny org laen pressure x? hahaa
hahhahaa, menarik post ni.
x sabar nak pergi berjalan kat johor makan nasi minyak.. hahha
kak mah, baju kurung cantik gilaa.
basir sama naek eh? tahniah. =p
nita, kau jgn kahwen pki boot plak nanti! hahahaa...
Semua orang nak buat pasal kahwinnnn! :)
Nak yang simple2 jugak, tp bukan sebab tak nak yg grand, cuma sebab tak cukup duit..ngeh3
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