23 sept
Genap 4 tahun kami bersama. Tahun2 sebelum ni kat UTP. Now dunia baru.
Tapi tak celebrate lgsg. Masing2 sgt bz esp yg workaholic ni.
Minggu ni mmg bekerja lebih 12 jam sehari. Thx God ojan sgt phm. Byk kali change plan pon ok lg.
Tapi mmg sgt rindu dia.. Sori b..
Orkid Says:
You can start anywhere and do anything with a good attitude and willingness to learn
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Today Is a good today.. Tomorrow too
Hari ni bekerja macam biasa. Tapi tak biasa macam hari hari biasa. Sedikit luar biasa. hahaa.
Apa2 lah... Remember my last entry? About change.
Yeahhh it works! I start to feel the change.
Im starting to love my work. Not that I hate my work before. But now im more content on whatever im doing rite now. I start to pick up my roles and see the significance behind it.
I start to feel "ownership" on my work.
Few things about my job
1. I realized that working longer hours do not convey that u r working hard, but maybe working not too smart
2. The most important thing in working is deliverables
3. I adore my PM. Heard a lot of good things abt him. Hopefully I can learn a lot of things from him.
4. I love my teammates esp Carol (she teaches me loads of thing)
5. I love my role as business analyst
6. I am grateful to have my line manager.
7. My calendar is kinda pack. I LOVE IT!8. Im going to conduct teambuilding sessions (I cant believe I play a role to organize conference *excited*)
9. I was participated in short film. I cant believe i saw my face in the film. Uploaded and played thousand times in ShellTube (perasaan pdhal scene seminit je kot hahaa)
Next (the most exciting upcoming events)
1. Rabu ni ke Hilton with my PM for onsite visit
2. BA Training 20-22nd Sept at Grand Millenium Hotel
3. 7 Habits Training 28-29th Sept
4. AD&P Social Event at Putrajaya
5. Shell IT International Dinner at Hilton (pray hard to get Iphone)
6. 3 day conference at Hilton 3-5 Sept!!
Raya update
1. Start giving out duit raya
2. But receive back 5 times more den i give (alhamdulillah syukur ya Allah)
3. I still think that now is fasting month
4. Gemuk dan sangat gemuk

Anyway, I want to continue my change management initiatives (cehh ayat)
1. Start using stairs instead of lift (umah aku tingkat 5 wohhh)
2. Apply moisturizers
3. Drink a lot of water
Lets see how it progress
Apa2 lah... Remember my last entry? About change.
Yeahhh it works! I start to feel the change.
Im starting to love my work. Not that I hate my work before. But now im more content on whatever im doing rite now. I start to pick up my roles and see the significance behind it.
I start to feel "ownership" on my work.
Few things about my job
1. I realized that working longer hours do not convey that u r working hard, but maybe working not too smart
2. The most important thing in working is deliverables
3. I adore my PM. Heard a lot of good things abt him. Hopefully I can learn a lot of things from him.
4. I love my teammates esp Carol (she teaches me loads of thing)
5. I love my role as business analyst
6. I am grateful to have my line manager.
7. My calendar is kinda pack. I LOVE IT!8. Im going to conduct teambuilding sessions (I cant believe I play a role to organize conference *excited*)
9. I was participated in short film. I cant believe i saw my face in the film. Uploaded and played thousand times in ShellTube (perasaan pdhal scene seminit je kot hahaa)
Next (the most exciting upcoming events)
1. Rabu ni ke Hilton with my PM for onsite visit
2. BA Training 20-22nd Sept at Grand Millenium Hotel
3. 7 Habits Training 28-29th Sept
4. AD&P Social Event at Putrajaya
5. Shell IT International Dinner at Hilton (pray hard to get Iphone)
6. 3 day conference at Hilton 3-5 Sept!!
Raya update
1. Start giving out duit raya
2. But receive back 5 times more den i give (alhamdulillah syukur ya Allah)
3. I still think that now is fasting month
4. Gemuk dan sangat gemuk
Anyway, I want to continue my change management initiatives (cehh ayat)
1. Start using stairs instead of lift (umah aku tingkat 5 wohhh)
2. Apply moisturizers
3. Drink a lot of water
Lets see how it progress
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Saya mahu berubah...kepada yang lebih baik pastinya.
Perubahan tidak perlu menunggu masa tertentu.
Perubahan juga tidak perlu menunggu utk perubahan yang besar.
Perubahan kecil boleh mencetuskan kesan yang besar.
"If you want to change the world, change the person in your mirror first"
Usah risaukan perkara lain..ubah diri dulu :)
Dan ya...saya mahu berubah. InsyaAllah selepas raya ni. Full capacity.
Apa saya nak buat?
- Content in whatever u do
- Live healthily
- Appreciate more
- Be grateful
- Be proactive
Tu general.tapi action items saya dah jot down kat diari.
Kenapa ingin berubah? Sebab saya rasa diri jauh ketinggalan. Macam tidak bernyawa.
Macam bukan saya..hehe.
Mari kita berubah!
Kita start dgn pakai seatbelt dulu before driving :)
Monday, September 6, 2010
Balik Raya~
Besok insyaAllah balik ke JB.
Tapi ada problem ckit..ada teleconference pulak pukul 8.30pm. Aiyooo kesian my passengers. Kene ikot je plan pilot neh. Im so so sorry.
Memang raya tak rasa raya taw. Busy duniawi je. Aduila..
Barang langsung tak packing pape.
Besok for sure balik lambat. malam ada conference, nak amek kngah kat airport lagi.
Adui2. kena bertenaga!
Selamat berhari raya semua :)
P/S: Makin enjoy dgn kerja sekarang :)
Tapi ada problem ckit..ada teleconference pulak pukul 8.30pm. Aiyooo kesian my passengers. Kene ikot je plan pilot neh. Im so so sorry.
Memang raya tak rasa raya taw. Busy duniawi je. Aduila..
Barang langsung tak packing pape.
Besok for sure balik lambat. malam ada conference, nak amek kngah kat airport lagi.
Adui2. kena bertenaga!
Selamat berhari raya semua :)
P/S: Makin enjoy dgn kerja sekarang :)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I'm 80's
I always think that I am born at wrong century. hahaha. century ke?
Yurp. I love 80's songs. Even though Im born on 1988. So my time supposedly 90's or 2000 la kan.
Everyday when I'm driving, I will listen to my fav cd. Or lite fm. Or red fm yg malam2 tu pasang love songs.
The greatest love songs selalunya dari 80's. Betul tak?
Mama pernah tanya, dari mana cik orkid dgr lagu2 zaman dia?
Roxette la, Bryan Adams, Elton John, MLTR, Boys II Men, Eagles, Bonnie Tyler, George Michael, Diana Ross...byk la lagi
I always dream that Bryan Adams is my bf!
hahaha. Dont u think men in 80's are sooo romantic. Try listen carefully to their songs. The lyrics tu mmg sgt sgtla touching.
Sometimes cik orkid dgr je lagu diorg leh menangis ok. Without a reason. hahaha.
Cuba compare dgn lagu zmn sekarang. Mesti cerita pasal body, boobs, sex..haih. Tapi bila dgr lagu dari 80's ni diorg mcm appreciate the true love sgt2.
Kwn2 yg tumpang kete cik orkid pon taw...Nasibla diorg mengantuk2 dgr lagu2 english lama. hehe.
Yurp. I love 80's songs. Even though Im born on 1988. So my time supposedly 90's or 2000 la kan.
Everyday when I'm driving, I will listen to my fav cd. Or lite fm. Or red fm yg malam2 tu pasang love songs.
The greatest love songs selalunya dari 80's. Betul tak?
Mama pernah tanya, dari mana cik orkid dgr lagu2 zaman dia?
Roxette la, Bryan Adams, Elton John, MLTR, Boys II Men, Eagles, Bonnie Tyler, George Michael, Diana Ross...byk la lagi
I always dream that Bryan Adams is my bf!
hahaha. Dont u think men in 80's are sooo romantic. Try listen carefully to their songs. The lyrics tu mmg sgt sgtla touching.
Sometimes cik orkid dgr je lagu diorg leh menangis ok. Without a reason. hahaha.
Cuba compare dgn lagu zmn sekarang. Mesti cerita pasal body, boobs, sex..haih. Tapi bila dgr lagu dari 80's ni diorg mcm appreciate the true love sgt2.
Kwn2 yg tumpang kete cik orkid pon taw...Nasibla diorg mengantuk2 dgr lagu2 english lama. hehe.
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