Ok..slow sikit buat review. haha. Sedang busy adapting life as mom to be. gituhhh.
Anyway, let me tell u about my reception dress. Mula2 impiannya nak pakai baju ala2 grace kelly.
Kemudian bila bincang2 dgn designer, mmg boleh tapi x nampak cantik lace dia coz im covered. N n n of coz lagila mahal material dia sbb akan guna full lace.
I have surveyed byk designers...then based on good reviews n price yg reasonable, I chose NAJIB SALMAN. If wedding blogger sure dah kenal or pernah come across this name kan. Ok proses dia i book him and pay depo sikit.
Then dalam 3 bulan before my wedding, we had our first meeting. Just utk chit chat and utk dia tawu my personality. I am an easy bride kot. coz everything i have made up my mind. I know the color i want and design apa yg i suka. so i just tell him i want lilac, english dress, princess cut n guna patch lace.
Then 2nd appointment pulak we went to his house studio. Dia tunjukkan 3 designs. OMG. He is so talented ok! Rasa macam torn in between. haha. semua cantik2.
3rd appointment kat Jakel. See...yang seronok ni we can ask him about anything n he even accompany us to choose fabric. Masa tu la rasa mcm duit mengalir begitu sahaja..sbb tak pernah beli kain mahal kan haha. Tapi sebab nak lawa punya pasal...tutup mata laa. This is the service yg
Ohhh i also asked for 3M veil. bila lagi kan nak pakai veil panjang2 hehee. feeling2 princess sikit :P
Alhamdulillah. I reli happy with the outcome. Najib sgt professional, on time. Sebab i mmg sgt pentingkan masa.. hehe. sistem dia pun sgt teratur. i memang recommend sgt to all brides n groom to be yang nak rasa designer touch.

Ok..slow sikit buat review. haha. Sedang busy adapting life as mom to be. gituhhh.
Anyway, let me tell u about my reception dress. Mula2 impiannya nak pakai baju ala2 grace kelly.
Kemudian bila bincang2 dgn designer, mmg boleh tapi x nampak cantik lace dia coz im covered. N n n of coz lagila mahal material dia sbb akan guna full lace.
I have surveyed byk designers...then based on good reviews n price yg reasonable, I chose NAJIB SALMAN. If wedding blogger sure dah kenal or pernah come across this name kan. Ok proses dia i book him and pay depo sikit.
Then dalam 3 bulan before my wedding, we had our first meeting. Just utk chit chat and utk dia tawu my personality. I am an easy bride kot. coz everything i have made up my mind. I know the color i want and design apa yg i suka. so i just tell him i want lilac, english dress, princess cut n guna patch lace.
Then 2nd appointment pulak we went to his house studio. Dia tunjukkan 3 designs. OMG. He is so talented ok! Rasa macam torn in between. haha. semua cantik2.
3rd appointment kat Jakel. See...yang seronok ni we can ask him about anything n he even accompany us to choose fabric. Masa tu la rasa mcm duit mengalir begitu sahaja..sbb tak pernah beli kain mahal kan haha. Tapi sebab nak lawa punya pasal...tutup mata laa. This is the service yg
Ohhh i also asked for 3M veil. bila lagi kan nak pakai veil panjang2 hehee. feeling2 princess sikit :P
Alhamdulillah. I reli happy with the outcome. Najib sgt professional, on time. Sebab i mmg sgt pentingkan masa.. hehe. sistem dia pun sgt teratur. i memang recommend sgt to all brides n groom to be yang nak rasa designer touch.
I am wishing him all the best in his career. He can go far believe me. And cepat2 grab him before dia jadi lagi glamer dr sekarang hehe.