Orkid Says:

You can start anywhere and do anything with a good attitude and willingness to learn

Monday, December 10, 2012

Back on Track!

This picture is actually our "young generation" from Shell with our beloved Shell Chairman Iain Lo and his beautiful wife. We attended Merdeka Award ceremony.

I am so honored to get the invitation to attend the ceremony...seated just behind Raja Dr. Nazrin and Prime minister..and also all the CEO of key oil and gas companies..Shell, PETRONAS and Exxon. Andd...we are the only young group there! Everyone else i believe are senior managers and above. So we were quite shocked. LOL.

However, it was an eye opener. Make my motivation to serve for the nation go up higher! Hope I will be seating on one of the chairs.. (if my priority in life does not change la hihi..who knows) But now my passion is professional career, working in Shell.

Yurp..im back on track..will write more on career and also some pending wedding review. I got few emails asking me about tips and working in Shell.. Will try my best to write more!

Fuhh fuhhh i am way behind...need to really start fresh and deliver deliver deliver!!

Happy working everyone!!

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