Orkid Says:

You can start anywhere and do anything with a good attitude and willingness to learn

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Own Brand!

er...no2...our own brand! Jgn mrh ye b~~ coz dis is my reli2 want to achieve ambition!!

to have my own brand... :)

Hope every1 will support..

Anyway, again, Nita n I will open booth again. WHee~~!!! This time at Lot 10.

C ya there!!

p/s: kredit to my dear Rubina Yunal for designing the logo n biz card!! reli2 like it. She is sooo professional. Humble. I know she will fly high. Amin.


Kalam Hitam said...

hey, congratz!! sgt cantik kad tu. well, u bring things like shawls, so konsep purple kaler tu is ultimately classy, sejuk mata memandang dan sgt cantik too! :D
tahniah dari kersani...

Orkid said...

Thanks a lot. I mean a lot. 4 supporting us all diz while! Baikla~~ sy dtg skang~~ haha